Masterplan Consent Areas: guidance

This guidance is to help planning authorities prepare Masterplan Consent Area (MCA) schemes. To aid understanding it explains the intention of the provisions in the legislation and expands on Scottish Ministers’ expectations for implementation of MCAs.


Duty to periodically consider making a scheme statement

42. While planning authorities can progress an MCA at any time, they must consider whether it would be desirable to make or alter an MCA for a part or parts of their area at least once every five years (Schedule 5A Paragraph 5). The first five-year period ended in July 2024, when planning authorities were required to produce their first statements.

43. To provide transparency as to their consideration and decision, planning authorities have to publish a statement as a formal record of how they have fulfilled their duty to consider preparing MCAs. Below are suggested considerations in relation to the statement:

MCA Scheme Statement

(a) what information a statement must contain

Suggested considerations for planning authorities

  • The areas the planning authority considered bringing an MCA forward for.
  • The factors that informed its decision whether or not to prepare an MCA scheme(s).
  • A summary of any engagement carried out. While not a formal consultation, this would be an opportunity for the planning authority to reflect on any discussions it may have had with stakeholders about the potential for MCAs for particular locations.

MCA Scheme Statement

(b) how it is to be published, and

Suggested considerations for planning authorities

This may be published electronically on the authority’s website.

MCA Scheme Statement

(c) to whom copies of it are to be sent

Suggested considerations for planning authorities

Good practice for awareness and monitoring purposes, to send links to copies of the statement to:

  • Scottish Ministers (Planning, Architecture & Regeneration Directorate)
  • Key agencies
  • Community councils
  • Any other person the planning authority considers appropriate.

44. More regular updates than every five years are encouraged to confirm the latest position and identify new MCAs being considered. LDP Delivery Programmes have to be updated at least every two years. We expect these may contain references to MCAs, and it may be appropriate to address these within an updated MCA statement. The MCA statement will also, in future, offer an opportunity to review whether existing MCA schemes need to be altered or extended.



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