Maternity care survey 2018: national results

National results of the 2018 Maternity Care Survey. Comparisons have been made with the previous iterations of this survey where this is possible.

9. Feeding


  • In the first few days, just over half of women fed their baby breast milk only and around one-fifth used breast and formula milk. Almost one in five women always experienced difficulties feeding their baby in the first few days.
  • Around four in five women felt their decisions about how to feed their baby were always respected by staff.
  • Three in five women reported they always received active support and encouragement from health professionals about feeding their baby.
  • Just over half of women felt they always got consistent advice from health professionals about feeding their baby. 

Method of Feeding

As shown in Figure 9.1, just over half of women (52 per cent) fed their baby only breast milk in the first few days, and around one in five women (21 per cent) used a mix of breast and formula milk.

Figure 9.1: Method of feeding in first few days

Figure 9.1: Method of feeding in first few days

When asked whether they had experienced any difficulties or challenges feeding their baby in this way, just under one in five women (18 per cent) had responded ‘yes, always’. Just under two in five (38 per cent) said they experienced difficulties sometimes and the remaining women (45 per cent) had no difficulties.

Feeding Advice and Support 

The survey asked women three questions relating to advice and support from staff in relation to feeding their baby. As shown in Figure 9.2, women were most positive about their decisions on how to feed their baby being respected by staff, with around four in five women (81 per cent) responding that they felt their decisions were always respected. This is in line with results from previous surveys.

Figure 9.2: Advice and support on feeding from staff, 2018

Figure 9.2: Advice and support on feeding from staff, 2018

Women were less positive about midwives and health professionals giving them active support and encouragement and consistent advice about feeding (60 and 53 per cent respectively). These were both lower than in previous survey results, as shown in Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3: Advice and support on feeding from staff, over time

Figure 9.3: Advice and support on feeding from staff, over time



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