
Maternity and neonatal (perinatal) adverse event review process: guidance

Operational guidance to support health boards boards undertaking perinatal adverse event reviews incorporating the additional reporting required of maternity services.

1. Aims and scope


The aim of this document is to support Boards to apply a consistent approach to operationalise undertaking perinatal adverse event reviews incorporating the additional reporting required of maternity services, for example to the UK Perinatal Mortality Reporting Tool [PMRT][2] (see Appendix A for more detail). Through implementation this will contribute to national learning, drive high-quality care and involve and support affected families.


A number of UK and Scottish audits and reports into maternity services (e.g. MBRRACE[3], PMRT, Each Baby Counts[4]) have highlighted the importance within perinatal services of a standardised and structured approach to adverse event reviews to promote national learning and to endeavour to provide families, staff and organisations with the answers that they seek[5]. This maternity and neonatal adverse event guidance should be integrated into a wider strategy for risk management within an NHS board as per the National Framework for Scotland.



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