
Maternity and neonatal (perinatal) adverse event review process: guidance

Operational guidance to support health boards boards undertaking perinatal adverse event reviews incorporating the additional reporting required of maternity services.

Appendix B: National notification system for SAER

National Notification System for Category 1 Events

This is Appendix B.  Appendix B is a flow chart detailing the steps for notification of category 1 events to the national reporting system.  This is displayed as a two stage data submission; stage one is the original notification to the national system which should contain no patient identifiable information and will initiate the SAER.  Stage two is the learning and outcomes, data should be submitted following the close of the review and again no patient identifiable information should be entered.

Infographic text below:

Two Stage Data Submission

Initial notification: date the decision is made to commission an SAER

Stage 1

Initial notification system




Notification month and year i.e. Jan 2020

Unique identifier

Datix number or other identifier from local board incident reporting system

Date SAER commisioned

Date decision made to progress to SAER

Category of event

Free text summarising the type of event e.g. suicide and medicines

Subcategory of event

Further detail and context of event I.e. unexpected death: suicide or sepsis. If device involved please specify the device.

Speciality related to event

Area of speciality if relevant (free text)i.e. mental health, obstetrics, gyneaecology, surgery

***Please ensure no patient identifiable data is sent to HIS***

Learning and outcomes: outcome of the event after review completion

Stage 2

Learning and outcomes



Date review completed

Date final sign off by appropriate governance group

Main learning points


Review outcome of event

Refer to Appendix 1, and grade outcome code accordingly

confirmed category of event

Confirmation/correction of category following SAER

***Please ensure no patient identifiable data is sent to HIS***



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