Social Security policy position paper - Scottish Child Payment: maximising take-up

Our approach to maximising the take-up of the Scottish Child Payment.

Applications - a user-centred approach

Our approach to increasing benefit take-up is founded on implicit design principles of accessibility, simplicity, dignity, and respect. Applications need to be as straightforward and transparent as possible, and processes need to be designed to deliver fair outcomes. Throughout the development of all benefits, we have worked directly with people who have experience of the social security system – from initial exploratory research, through to the testing of prototypes and final designs. 

Simplified application process

In designing the Scottish Child Payment, we have closely matched eligibility to our existing low income benefits, and particularly Best Start Grant. This means that the key eligibility criteria of child responsibility and qualifying benefits found in Best Start Grant will be replicated as far as possible for Scottish Child Payment which we expect will increase awareness and understanding of this new benefit, and ensure a simpler application process.  

In order to further maximise access to the Scottish Child Payment, we have made multiple application channels available, including the use of telephone, digital, and paper applications. 

Administrative innovation

Joint applications – Best Start benefits and Scottish Child Payment

We will offer individuals applying for i) Scottish Child Payment, or ii) Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods the opportunity to be considered for the other benefit, and to combine applications – meaning they only have to provide information once. Individuals will still retain the right to receive determinations on each application they submit – meaning they will not have to wait on a decision for one of the benefits in order to receive the other.


The principle of automating benefit payments, where appropriate and feasible, is one which we support. Whilst we have been unable to introduce automated payments of Scottish Child Payment for launch of the benefit, we remain committed to automation where possible, and we will review the feasibility again as part of the wider review of the Scottish Child Payment when it is fully rolled out, though it is important to note that an automated service would still be complex and require substantial work, as well as a significant level of support from the DWP.



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