
Social Security Charter: measurement framework

The Charter measurement framework document and a short user guide describing how the framework was made and how it will be used.

A better future

Did we have effective processes of policy making?

Policy making shows the Social security principles at work

Social Security fits well with other policies

  • Report of policy activities and intentions, drawn up and reviewed with feedback from stakeholders - formal advisory groups and independent organisations

Policy making takes account of user experience

  • Reports of experience panels, client surveys and co-production of the charter

Policy making promotes all groups in society

  • Equality, Children's Rights & Wellbeing, and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessments for the Social Security Act and individual benefits

Government money is spent fairly

  • Equality Budget statement and Fairer Scotland Assessment

Did the Government promote social security positively?

Social Security is promoted as a human right

Myth and stigma about social security is challenged

Scottish Government talks positively about social security and those who use it

  • Report of policy activities and intentions, drawn up and reviewed with feedback from stakeholders - formal advisory groups and independent organisations

Did benefits make a difference?

Our benefits counteract poverty and improve participation in society

  • Evaluation programme drawing on the experience of those receiving benefits

Benefit levels reviewed and uprated in line with inflation

Fairer rules are designed and new benefits created

  • Report on government activity drawn up and reviewed with feedback from stakeholders - formal advisory groups and independent organisations

Take up improved

  • Estimated take up reported under the Social Security Act. Evaluation of take-up activities implemented in the Benefit Take-up Strategy



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