
Measuring social impact in public procurement: SPPN 10/2020

This policy note serves to clarify the Scottish Government’s policy on measuring social impact through procurement and support for application of this policy in the form of the sustainable procurement duty tools and accompanying guides.


1. The purpose of this Scottish Procurement Policy Note (SPPN) is to clarify the Scottish Government’s policy on measuring social impact through procurement and support for application of this policy in the form of the sustainable procurement duty tools and accompanying guides. 

Key points

2. The key points are:

  • the Scottish Government does not endorse monetary gauges to measure social impact in procurement as part of the procurement process
  • social impact is not fixed or easily transferable. Impact arises from the interaction between supply and demand, and therefore will be specific to the individual, community, and place. Public bodies must engage with communities who have an interest in the contract to get the best possible outcome
  • care should be taken to ensure that impact measurements do not create a barrier to businesses
  • success in contributing to Scotland’s purpose is measured in terms of outcomes. These outcomes align to the National Performance Framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • this approach complements procurement principles of relevance and proportionality and Scottish legislation to rule out price only or cost only as the sole award criteria for public contracts


About social impact

3. Social impact is often understood as the effects on people and communities that happen as a result of an action, activity, project, programme or policy.  A common way to think about social impact is to consider it as the change that happens for or to people as a result of an action or activity.   

4. The sustainable procurement duty in the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires public bodies to consider and act on opportunities to achieve a positive social impact in their procurement activity. More information on procurement legislation is available at Annex C. 

COVID-19 pandemic economic recovery

5. Scotland’s economic recovery focusses on building a greener, fairer and more equal society: a wellbeing economy. There is a strong focus on enabling recovery through procurement, recognising the importance of achieving jobs and training for priority groups; Fair Work and supporting our small and medium sized enterprises, third sector organisations, supported businesses and early stage companies.

Community benefits in procurement approach to social impact

6. Early action around social impact in Scotland was achieved through the use of community benefits. The introduction of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and the sustainable procurement duty has formalised broader routes through which procurement can be used as a mechanism for delivering social impact. 

7. In order to create meaningful social impact from a contract, it is important to consider the social or national outcome that is to be delivered at the outset of the procurement. Using the sustainable procurement tools and supporting guidance helps procuring organisations to identify and achieve opportunities to increase social impact.

8. Meaningful social impact is realised when communities are involved in the process.  As part of early engagement, the Place Principle is an enabler that helps partners and local communities unlock the National Performance Framework and make it applicable to where and how they live and work. The Place Principle is not prescriptive; rather, it actively encourages and enables local flexibility in responding to issues and circumstances in different places. 

9. There are a range of drivers to encourage public bodies to be attuned to their communities and the people they serve. Engaging with communities to understand local priorities should allow public bodies to achieve targeted social outcomes through their procurement. Examples of how public procurement has been used to deliver social impact in communities are available at Annex B.

Fair Work in procurement

10. Fair Work focuses on the positive working practices that can be delivered through the contract, and can be used as a vehicle to provide meaningful social impact beyond the workplace, in communities and the wider economy. Statutory Guidance requires public bodies to consider how to address fair work practices in public contracts, and to support the practical application of this Fair work procurement guidance was published.

11. As part of a procurement process, a public body can include a reference to Fair Work First which asks bidders to describe how in performing the contract they will demonstrate:

  • appropriate channels for effective voice, such as trade union recognition;
  • investment in workforce development;
  • no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts;
  • action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace; and
  • fair pay (for example, payment of the real Living Wage)

Monitoring and reporting

Measuring progress

12. Sustainable public procurement in Scotland is aligned with Scotland’s National Performance Framework which are, in turn aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Scotland’s performance is measured across 11 national outcomes. The outcomes and how public procurement can contribute to these are described in Annex A.

13. The Scottish Government has produced both statutory guidance and a suite of tools to help public bodies procurements comply with the sustainable procurement duty. The sustainable procurement duty tools are aimed at identifying opportunities within a public body’s procurement spend to maximise the contribution to Scotland’s National Outcomes.   

14. While a number of monetising tools exist, they are not in keeping with Scottish Government’s approach. Scotland’s progress towards inclusive growth is outcomes-focussed rather than using a monetary measure. 

15. The use of monetary gauges to measure social impact infers that they are fixed and stable across geographical locations and over time for every contract which invites translation issues. 

16. The value of an action to one community or interest group may not equate to its value in other situations. Social impact emerges from the interaction between supply and demand, and therefore may change across time, places and for individuals. This is one reason the Scottish Government’s approach is that the social impact should be considered on a case by case basis and it is the impact rather than a monetary value that is important in considering what is desired in delivering the particular contract.

17. Public contracts are awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender. Weightings are a matter for the public body’s discretion and provided it is made transparent the market cannot challenge weighting on the basis that the body has allegedly placed too much emphasis on a particular requirement at the expense of another. Any method of evaluating procurement in Scotland should consider those requirements that further the economic, social or environmental wellbeing of an area or community. Evaluation should also be considered in the context of wider policy objectives and social impact should be placed at the centre of a whole organisation approach to procurement.

Barriers to procurement 

18. The Scottish Government is in favour of ensuring that there are no barriers created which may prevent the delivery of the social, economic, and environmental goals that the public body is seeking to achieve. Application of relevant and proportionate measures are central to this aim. Costs of accessing proprietary impact measurement methodologies may create a barrier to businesses.

Recommended Approach for Identifying and Measuring Social Impact

19. The policy intention of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and, more specifically, the sustainable procurement duty is to ensure social impact from public procurement is demand led and responsive to the needs of local communities across Scotland. 

20. The prioritisation tool and sustainability test are designed to embed relevant and proportionate socio-economic and environmental requirements in the development of procurement frameworks and contracts. Public bodies can assess their progress in embedding sustainable procurement using the Flexible Framework self-assessment tool. These tools are freely available.

Action required

  • public bodies should note that Scottish Government does not advocate monetisation of social impact in the procurement process
  • public bodies should ensure that they comply with their duties under the procurement legislation when planning and undertaking their procurement activity
  • public bodies should focus on delivering demand led, community focused social impact through their procurement practices
  • public bodies should measure social impact by using an outcomes focus aligned with Scotland’s National Outcomes


21. Please bring this SPPN to the attention of all relevant staff, including those in Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies and other sponsored public bodies within your area of responsibility. 


22. Enquiries about this SPPN should be addressed to Scottish Procurement: 

Annex A

National Performance Framework

Scotland’s purpose is to focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Scotland measures its progress in relation to achieving its purpose through a developed outcomes-based approach: the National Performance Framework (NPF). The National Performance Framework is for all of Scotland to which all public services in Scotland are aligned, encouraging more effective partnership working. The framework has its legislative footing in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

To help achieve its purpose, the framework sets out National Outcomes. The outcomes describe what Scotland wants to achieve and the kind of Scotland we want to create as a consequence of our collective actions.

Scotland was one of the first counties in the world to sign up to the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been developed to achieve a better, and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect, and many of them align with the National Performance Framework and its national outcomes.

The sustainable procurement duty of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires public bodies to consider how their procurement activity can be used to contribute to social, economic and environmental well-being, with a particular focus on reducing inequality, and to act in a way to secure this. The sustainable procurement duty aligns with the National Performance Framework.

Scotland measures its performance in relation to social impact through a developed outcomes-based approach. This includes, for example, providing a summary of any community benefits that were delivered that year through procurement activity in annual procurement reports. This approach aligns with the National Performance Framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

There is an expectation that there will be a positive social impact from procurement activity in Scotland. Sustainable public procurement is a key enabler of positive social, economic and environmental impact, with an emphasis on equality and reducing inequality. It contributes to the delivery of multiple National Outcomes and many of the Sustainable Development Goals. For example, identifying specific interventions, and acting on these in procurement activity, like the inclusion of community benefits, or Fair Work practices, etc. in relevant contracts.

National Outcome

Procurement contribution

Economy: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy

This includes: Greenhouse gas emissions; Carbon footprint; Natural capital; Productivity; Economic growth; Income inequalities. Also links to the Environment National Outcome in the form of Energy from renewable sources; Waste generated; Marine environment & Biodiversity, and to the Communities National Outcome in the form of Perceptions of local area.

In addition to traditional considerations including spend with SMEs, the third sector and supported businesses, this includes providing local employment and training opportunities; driving local economic wellbeing through the procurement element of community wealth building and supply chain development programmes; enabling innovation; and addressing and tackling the climate emergency which is integral to an inclusive and sustainable economy.

International: We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally

This includes: Scotland’s population; Scotland’s reputation; Trust in public organisations; and International networks.

Links to the inclusion of fair work practices; requiring appropriate standards in relation to protecting human rights in the supply chain and addressing ethical and social issues. 

Poverty: We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally

This includes: Wealth inequalities; Unmanageable debt; Food insecurity; and Cost of living.

Strong links to Fair Work in contracts and to delivering employment, training and subcontracting opportunities aspects of community benefits

Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe

This includes: Perceptions of local area; Access to green and blue space; Places to interact; Concerns (including perceptions) about Security and Crime.

Often addressed in community benefits delivered through procurement in response to community engagement activities.

Also, read across to prevent element of Serious Organised Crime strategy.

Children: We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential

This includes: Quality of children’s services;

Child wellbeing and happiness; Children’s material deprivation. Also links to the Fair Work and Business, and Poverty National Outcomes.

Public procurement can contribute to this national outcome through the inclusion of fair work practices and delivering community initiatives aimed at regeneration of disadvantaged communities. For example, transferrable qualifications, work experience and community engagement.

Education: We are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society

This includes: Educational attainment; Confidence of children and young people; Work-place learning; Skills profile of the population; Skills shortages & Skills under-utilisation.

Public procurement can frequently contribute to this national outcome through the use of community benefits to achieve transferrable qualifications; work experience and related interventions such as mock interviews etc.

Fair Work and Business: We have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone

This includes: Employees on the living wage; Pay gap; Contractually secure work; Employee voice & Gender balance in organisations. Also links to the Education National Outcome in the form of Skills under-utilisation, and the Health National Outcome in the form of Work related ill health.

This means a contractor demonstrating, in performing a public contract: appropriate channels for an effective voice for staff, such as trade union recognition; investment in workforce development; no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts; action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace; and, fair pay, for example payment of the real Living Wage.

Health: We are healthy and active

This includes: Physical activity; Mental wellbeing; Journeys by active travel (cycling, walking etc.); Work-related ill health; and Quality of care.

For example, the NHS has a general duty to improve the health of the population of Scotland, requirements that seek to improve employment opportunities for the population at risk of ill health (including: young people; those with a disability; and long-term unemployed) are likely to be relevant to them.

Environment: We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment

This includes: Condition of protected nature sites; State of historic sites; Energy from renewable resources; Waste generated; Biodiversity; and Marine environment.

Embedding circular economy, biodiversity and other natural environment considerations in procurement.

Culture: We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely

This includes: Growth in cultural economy; and People working in arts and culture

This may relate to addressing equality and inequality considerations like: the gender balance in organisations; community initiatives and regeneration of disadvantaged communities

Human Rights: We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination

Relevant for design & delivery of Public Services, for example, Public Services treat people with dignity and respect; Quality of public services and Influence over local decisions. Also links to the International National Outcome in the form of Scotland’s reputation.

Driven by promoting equality & reducing inequality. Includes a strong link (in public procurement) to Responsible and ethical sourcing.

Annex B

Case studies

Transport Scotland

A9 Dualling: Luncarty to Pass of Birnam

Through their work on this project, Transport Scotland have already exceeded the target of creating 30 new jobs over the project duration, and are working to ensure that the majority of the opportunities created by this project are filled by workers from the local area. At the end of March 2020, 99% of project spend has been on subcontracts within Scotland and 64% of this figure has been with SMEs.

This project is being delivered with an unprecedented focus on community benefits and a commitment to bring meaningful and measurable change to the surrounding communities, including: 4,000 pupils and students engaged; seven work placements for secondary school pupils; two foundation apprentices; 44 new jobs created and four jobs created through Fairstart and six placements for people with a conviction.   .

Examples of community benefits delivered:

Community engagement

  • eight tonnes of woodchips donated and 16 volunteers together with staff from Transport Scotland, helped landscape a school garden. Another school also benefitted from a donation of Wood chips
  • a ‘Doors Open Day’ held at the site compound for the public providing a tour of the works
  • survey work was undertaken to help the planning application for a Community Sports Hub
  • meetings held to help the application for a Non-Motorised User route between Stanley and Luncarty
  • a community conference held which promoted the community benefit successes of the project, engaged directly with the supply chain in delivering community benefits and introduced the supply chain to their partners in the 3rd sector, education, charity and employability

Educational engagement

  • a site visit for high school and university students as part of the Academy9 Construction Classroom
  • attendance at school events including  ‘Bridges to School’ and ‘My World of Work’ careers fair
  • three secondary school pupils have been engaged as Roving Reporters to report on work undertaken throughout the project
  • two Foundation Apprenticeship placements were completed, which led to one full time role commencing in August 2019
  • various events held with university students, including careers fairs with summer placements advertised (two students were subsequently offered a summer placement), mock interviews, mentoring students for a 5th year project along with a site visit and hackathon


  • soil sampling undertaken to help the application to plant a community orchard
  • assistance of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership project on research to estimate temporary drainage capacity for highway construction projects in Scotland

Additional opportunities

  • a ‘Bring your child to work day’ hosted by the contractor
  • £100 spent with a supported business to provide office signage

Annex B

Wheatley Group

Wheatley Group is a Scottish housing, care and property-management group, delivering services to over 210,000 people across 19 local authorities in Scotland.

Wheatley actively promote the inclusion of community benefits for all regulated procurements with the estimated annual threshold values of > £2 million for works contracts (predominantly new build/development), and > £500k for goods / services contracts (ranging from provision of fleet and uniforms to legal and electrical services). Where appropriate and feasible, they consider their inclusion for all relevant procurements.

Wheatley is supported by their Charitable Trust, the Wheatley Foundation which supports a range of community and economic programmes and increases access to opportunities across Wheatley neighbourhoods, many of which experience multiple disadvantage and deprivation. A dedicated Community Benefit Officer role sits within the Foundation Team, liaising with stakeholders and monitoring deliverables and performance.

Wheatley’s community benefits requirements are proportionate to reflect differing contract sizes and type and their community benefits menu reflects a wide range of activities which benefit local communities and new entrants, including:

Employability Activities: Training, placement & work experience opportunities; tasters, support for apprenticeships, job opportunities and graduate placements.

Community Support: Support for financial inclusion programmes and recreation, community, environmental, arts and sports events and activities; work with local schools, nurseries and voluntary / tenants  groups.

Capacity Building/Supply Chain Development: Provision/donation of contractor time, skills or services, mentoring or training support; input to events; materials, equipment, goods or expertise which supports Wheatley customers, SME or third sector supply chain, relevant community groups or organisations.

As well as supporting new entrants, Wheatley encourages contractors to provide opportunities to priority groups, for example:

  • longer–term unemployed people (6 months or over)
  • people accessing welfare benefits including disability benefits;
  • lone parents;
  • people who have experienced homelessness;
  • people with a conviction;
  • people who have a history of addiction;
  • BME groups;
  • veterans.

In 2018/19, of the 192 training and employment opportunities secured through community benefits 31% were taken up by people from priority groups, and 17% of opportunities created went to people living in Wheatley homes.

Annex B

Scottish Prison Service

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) has continued to develop its approach of reflecting community benefit and social value provisions within its major construction and service contracts. The award of a £54 million contract in December 2019 to build the new Women’s National Facility (WNF) in Stirling being the most recent. This project reflects a range of actions intended to secure social impact for SPS, the relevant local authority and SPS target priority group. 

SPS focus on Community Benefit outcomes which are relevant to those in, or who may have been in, custody and support activities which seek to divert individuals from crime or potential custody towards a more positive life pathway. This provides a broad range of areas to engage with the SPS or community based partners who work with that particular priority group around barriers to employment, addiction, mental health issues, etc.


SPS’s approach includes early market engagement, pre-tender and during the tender period including with the local Council. Early engagement and building connections is vital to promote social impact aspirations and outcomes for the project. This enables bidders / contractors to prepare a well-developed and client relevant community benefit bid proposition. The SPS have found that this sustained engagement also provides an easier route for outcomes to commence and be delivered than starting from first principles after contract award.

Delivering the dommitments

In Works projects the SPS use the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) matrix to broadly set expectations about Community Benefits relevant to the value and duration of the project.  In addition to highlighting our priority group the SPS also promote use of Supported Business and social enterprise in the main contractor supply chain. 

The WNF project will deliver the Community Benefits in accordance with CITB guidelines for a construction project of c.£50+m (Band 9).  The expected outcomes include:

  • 16 Jobs Created on the Construction Project
  • 15 Work placements
  • 12 School visits
  • 12 Curriculum support
  • 12 Employability engagement activities
  • a commitment to Fair Work Practices / Living Wage

In terms of delivery against these broad CITB outcomes, the contractor is engaging with a range of community partners including the British Association of Supported Business (BASE). Following award of contract, the contractor has moved quickly to take forward the social impact elements alongside the construction project:

  • organised and hosted two events to promote supply-chain opportunities with SMEs, Supported Businesses and social enterprise / Third Sector
  • engaged with the ‘Fighting Chance’ programme run by Community Focus Scotland CIC to run the construction site canteen. This will employ local people from disadvantaged groups including ex-offenders, putting them through hospitality qualifications with the view to finding routes into employment
  • funding a Pathways to Employment qualification through the Wise Group. This will help support the transition for females who have been in custody or clients from the community payback scheme into sustainable employment
  • in conjunction with some of their supply chain, worked 3 days (nine volunteering days) with a local charity. This entailed re-levelling some of land, installing drainage, resurfacing and donating a storage container
  • working with Developing the Young Workforce on their professionals in construction campaign and with Stirling Council on their school employability activity
  • at contract award the contractor anticipated approx 90% of the contract value would be spent within Scotland. A major sub-contract (£13.3m) for electrical and mechanical activity has already been awarded to local Stirling based company

The contractor also established a £10,000 Community Fund with the aim to maximise benefit to Stirling and Cornton Vale communities.

Recording and reporting

The contractor and their supply-chain have set-out a methodology for measuring and reporting outcomes for this project which provides a structured basis for regular reporting (SPS have agreed quarterly). This will include for example, number of hours of training, volunteering, etc. to allow proper attribution of the social value benefits accrued from this contract.

SPS see maintaining a contract management focus on social impact and community benefits as essential to achieving the expected outcomes including engaging with any commitments which need joint activity between the contractor, SPS and community partners.

Annex B

Perth and Kinross Council

Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) have committed to working with local communities and businesses to create social impact from contracted spend. 

It is part of their Sustainable Procurement Policy, for PKC to ask suppliers to work in partnership with them to support local communities in a real and sustainable way. 

Historically, many of the community benefits offered by suppliers were not clearly defined and not aligned to local community needs.

An online Community Benefits Wish List form was created so that local communities and organisations could specify what they really needed. To help manage expectations it is made clear that there are no guarantees a request will be fulfilled but that best efforts will be made. The request is then moderated for suitability and added to the Wish List document which is available from the Council web page

A link to the Wish List is also included in the instructions for tenderers document to enable suppliers to include specific items in their tender submissions that may be relevant to the complexity and value of a contract.

Examples of specific requests received include:

  • sponsorship of youth teams
  • arts and crafts supplies
  • help with printing forms/leaflets

A searchable Wish List map is available to help suppliers see any community organisations requiring help in their local area.

The use of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, online map and a YouTube video have helped to promote some of the Wish List success stories.

Supplier feedback on this initiative:

  • “The PKC Wish List has been an effective and rewarding process… it allowed us to fully assess and respond to the needs of the local community”
  • “It makes so much sense to assist where it is really wanted/needed rather than picking out of a hat”

Feedback from local communities:

  • “Very easy process resulting in hundreds of pages printed for our community-based club”

Annex B

The contractor's view point

Jedburgh Intergenerational Community Campus

Who was the client?

Scottish Borders Council via Hub South East.

Project type, value, length and location:

  • education – School & Community Campus 
  • £31,941,172
  • 99 weeks
  • Jedburgh, Scottish Borders                                                  

Tender process – what worked well and why?

This project was tendered and awarded through hub South East. We met with Scottish Borders Council’s community benefits lead prior to the project starting to talk though the local area, gain an understanding of their priorities and their approach to community benefits. This was extremely helpful, they have a well-structured approach set out and an established group of local providers to help with the delivery of community benefits.

In regards to the Scottish Borders Council’s approach, the following worked well:

  • they have clear construction contractor’s guidance in place, this defines the areas they look for in community benefits delivery
  • a community benefits lead/ key point of contact
  • they have an established network of local providers who can support with the delivery of community benefits
  • they are realistic in their approach and open to conversations around what meaningful impact means locally

Engagement /communication – what worked well, with who and why?

The council have established an approach similar to Dundee City Council and have a created a ‘database’ of local community benefit partners and programmes that can be used throughout a project. They are realistic and open to conversations around what meaningful benefits can be delivered. For example, they understood that we weren’t going to be able to create lots of new apprentice positions on the project given the location and they wanted us to focus on what could be achieved to help support local people, they were interested in real stories and real impact and not in unrealistic numbers.

We focused on supporting the local construction academies, providing training and work experience opportunities where possible. We engaged with local business and suppliers where possible and focused on developing an education engagement plan with the existing schools.

The council were realistic in regards to the location of the project and potential base of our supply chain and they helped to localise the targets by asking what could be delivered to support local people for example if employment wasn’t possible, could we support with training and work placements.

How were local area priorities addressed?

Early engagement allowed us to identify the local priorities and set out realistic and meaningful plans. Hub South East and Scottish Borders Council’s approach along with Scottish Borders Council having a lead contact person for community benefits and an established group of local providers all helped to ensure we could address local priorities. It was agreed that making an impact to local people was the aim and we focussed on supporting the local construction academies and on creating local opportunities where possible. We also focussed on supporting and engaging the existing schools. 

In regards to the early engagement, this was facilitated by hub South East and we met with the council’s community benefits lead prior to the project starting on site, this allowed us to be clear on the aims and priorities and to develop plans around our education engagement and delivery. We met with the council lead and kept in contact early, from this subsequent meetings were held with local providers such as Borders College, Job Centre Plus and Developing the Young workforce. 

How was the contract managed with reporting and communication?

A monthly progress report was provided to Scottish Borders Council and we regularly met with the Community Benefits lead on site, followed by a site visit. We reported quarterly on all KPIs to hub South East.

We also took part in a Community Benefit Stakeholder Group meeting which met bi-monthly and was attended by local providers and contractors and included the job centre plus, Borders College, Developing the Young Workforce, CITB, community justice and DWP. 

What was delivered?

We achieved or overachieved on our KPIs set out:

  • 13 work placements covering 146 days have been provided across the project
  • 18 employment opportunities have been created across the project
  • 46 apprentices worked across the project
  • 35 training opportunities were delivered across the project
  • we engaged with education and supported the Right Skills, Right Job Programme
  • we supported the Job Centre Plus’s Construction Work Academies
  • in regards to local spend, over £19m has been spent with SMEs (nationally, over £6m has been spent with local SMEs (within hub South East territory) and around £3.8m has been spent locally to the project).
  • we worked with local company RJT who were awarded a number of work packages, they supported the aims of the project and provided local employment opportunities.

Education Engagement:

As part of our education engagement across the Jedburgh ICC project we engaged with the existing Jedburgh Grammar School and worked closely with the schools Scottish Television (STV) news group.

The news group were given a brief to document the construction of their new school and were given access to the project and site management team across the build. The group attended the site regularly to record progress and capture video footage. This was then edited and added to their school you tube channel.

We also supported DYW Borders in the creation of a Careers Film with a ‘5 minutes with Construction’ video. The Jedburgh Grammar news group took part in this and attended site to capture different trades and job roles across the Jedburgh ICC project.

This project was a great way to engage the school and capture the progress of the build which all pupils could then access. The news group gained experience and skills dealing with a ‘client’, getting access to a live project and being able to work on interviewing, filming and editing skills. 

See the 5 minutes with Construction film.

Right Skills, Right Job Programme

As part of DYW Borders Right Skills, Right Job Programme we engaged Jedburgh Grammar and delivered Online Appearance Workshops and a Preparing for Interviews session. The Right Skills Right Job is an employability programme aimed at senior pupils to prepare them for the transition from school.

Annex C

Procurement legislation

Legislation in Scotland drives the consideration and use of economic, social, and environmental benefits in public procurement. The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014[1] places a number of general duties on public authorities.   

A public body must, in carrying out a regulated procurement:

  • treat economic operators equally and without discrimination,
  • act in a transparent and proportionate manner,
  • comply with the sustainable procurement duty.

The sustainable procurement duty is a general duty which aims to encourage wider economic, social, and environmental benefits in contracts.

Scottish public authorities are subject to the sustainable procurement duty

The sustainable procurement duty in the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 s.9[2] requires public authorities to:

  • improve the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of the authority’s area,
  • facilitate the involvement of small and medium enterprises, third sector bodies and supported businesses in the process, and
  • promote innovation. 

Scotland’s sustainable procurement duty is a key mechanism through which public procurement contributes to the outcomes of the National Performance Framework   

Measuring social impact in public procurement: SPPN 10/2020


Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
The Scottish Government
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU


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