
Media reporting on child homicide victims: consultation - easy read

An easy read version of the consultation on media reporting on child homicide victims.


The law says the identity of a victim of crime who is under 18 is not allowed to be reported.

This information includes photographs, the name, address, school or anything else that could identify the child. This is to protect the victim’s privacy. This is called anonymity.

This does not apply if the victim is dead. This means that child homicide victims can be named in public. This includes in newspapers, TV, radio and on social media.

Some people have told us this is upsetting for the victims’ families. They say the law should be changed to stop people reporting information that identifies child homicide victims.

We have been looking at what we can do to help with this. We have:

  • listened to victims’ families
  • found out what happens in other countries
  • held a meeting with people who have experience in this area

This consultation is to find out what you think.

We will tell you about:

  • reasons why people think there should be anonymity
  • reasons why people think there should not be anonymity
  • things we need to think about if the law was to be changed

We will tell you about the options for this issue.

You can answer the questions in this consultation to tell us your views about these options.



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