Media reporting on child homicide victims: consultation

This consultation looks at media reporting of and public information sharing about child homicide victims. We are seeking views about options for reducing the trauma this can have on bereaved families.

Final questions and additional comments

The final set of questions seeks views on the options, legislative and non-legislative, that have been set out in the consultation. They also offer the opportunity for any additional comments on the issues being discussed or for alternative options to be suggested.

Question 21: To what extent do you support the options discussed in this paper:

  • No anonymity restrictions (i.e.the status quo) but with non-legislative actions, such as a media toolkit:
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • Full anonymity restrictions (no waiver):
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • Automatic anonymity with option to waive:
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • No automatic anonymity but can apply for court order (with the potential for non-legislative actions, such as a media toolkit):
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 22: To what extent do you think that the legislative options proposed are proportionate and enforceable?

  • No anonymity restrictions (i.e. the status quo) but with non-legislative actions, such as a media toolkit:
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • Full anonymity restrictions (no waiver):
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • Automatic anonymity with option to waive:
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

  • No automatic anonymity but can apply for court order (and potential for non-legislative actions, such as a media toolkit):
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Neither agree or disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree

    Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 23: Are there other options you think we should explore? Please provide details.

Question 24: Do you have any other comments on this issue that you would like to share with us?



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