
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between Scottish Ministers (SM) and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (SSWP) on joint working arrangements

Memorandum of Understanding between Scottish Ministers and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on social security and employment services in Scotland.

11. Change Management and Governance - Development of Policy and Delivery Options

11.1. This MoU, and the relationship between SSWP and SM, at the point of MoU signing, concerns both the development of policy and delivery options by SM and also implementation and transition. As we move towards "steady state", the focus of this MoU and the associated Annexes will be changed to reflect the nature of this changing relationship.

11.2. SSWP will not generally comment on the likely efficacy of SM proposals in achieving stated policy aims in relation to social security or in relation to employment support.

11.3. SSWP and SM will agree a programme of transition from current arrangements to new arrangements made within the competence devolved by the Scotland Act 2016 that is operationally deliverable and gives appropriate support to social security claimants and/or to people accessing employment services.

11.4. To the extent that SMs' policy decisions on the Social Security and the Employment Services Programmes impact on DWP, SM and SSWP will agree a timetable for implementation that enables both Governments to make the necessary preparations in good time in advance and that are acceptable to both.

11.5. In developing implementation options, DWP and SG officials will engage in meaningful discussion on SM proposals including IT and security standards that will need to be satisfied in relation to joint services or DWP delivery on behalf of Scottish Ministers. SM will remain responsible for ensuring that implementation meets all relevant standards and legal requirements applying to Scotland. In relation to any proposals to be delivered by SSWP for SM, both Governments will consider issues including, but not limited to, IT, finance and the wider organisation as outlined in paragraph 7.3.

11.6. SM and SSWP will agree a programme of transition from current arrangements to new arrangements under the Scotland Act 2016 that is operationally deliverable and gives appropriate support to claimants.



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