
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between Scottish Ministers (SM) and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (SSWP) on joint working arrangements

Memorandum of Understanding between Scottish Ministers and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on social security and employment services in Scotland.

14. Document Review and Approval

14.1. This MoU will be formally reviewed, by the three named SPoCs, annually, or earlier if parties agree there is a need. The review schedule will, as far as possible, be aligned with the key joint milestones, such as the milestone dates for the transfer of individual powers to SM. Individual Annexes may require separate review to different timescales; where this is the case, that will be set out clearly in the relevant Annex.

14.2. Annexes will be reviewed in the same review period as the MoU but can also, by agreement and when appropriate, be reviewed outside of the MoU review period. During the formal review process Annexes will be checked with their respective owners to ensure they are still current.

14.3. Both SSWP and SM will seek feedback from their wider departments on the functioning of the MoU and Annexes, as well as the effectiveness of the joint working arrangements in general, and this will be fed back into the revision process. Outcome of each review will be a set of recommendations for amendments to the MoU and Annexes where necessary.

14.4. All proposed amendments, whether within or out with the scheduled review process, will be submitted to the signatories of the MoU (or their successors) for consideration and sign off. Prior to signing off on individual amendments, either signatory may request for the proposed amendments to be discussed by appropriate senior officials.



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