Bereavement abroad through homicide or culpable homicide - support: memorandum of understanding

Memorandum between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Police Service of Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Death Certification Review Service and Victim Support Scotland detailing the support to those who suffer a bereavement abroad.

3. Objectives

In defining the roles of participants and acknowledging the joint approach that is required in the obtaining and disseminating of information from overseas authorities to assist in both domestic investigations and for provision to victims, the Memorandum aims to assist in the following:

  • Capturing the processes for information sharing and support to British nationals resident in Scotland (subject to them being assessed as eligible for support) who experience the loss of a family member or loved one as a result of murder/homicide or manslaughter/culpable homicide overseas, in line with section 6 of the Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Act 20163.
  • To outline and facilitate engagement with overseas authorities and improve communication alongside any active investigation.
  • To ensure all named participants understand the processes of other cooperating organisations.
  • To re-assure members of the public that victims are placed at the centre of the process as much as possible and to provide clarity on the role of each participant.



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