Mental Health and Capacity Reform: delivery plan October 2023 to April 2025

Initial delivery plan for the Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme, setting out a range of actions that are either underway or planned in the period up to April 2025.

About this plan

This first plan sets out actions to deliver against the strategic aims of the Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme between October 2023 to April 2025. It details the initial milestones to improve how human rights are protected and upheld through our law, policies and practices. It also includes an action to formally establish the Programme, to drive forward and co-ordinate the work needed to reach our vision.

This plan has been developed by Scottish Government and shaped through discussion with partners and stakeholders. We have focused on work that will be led by Scottish Government between October 2023 to April 2025. We have sought to prioritise areas of potential change that can be achieved as quickly as possible, within existing resources, as well as starting new work to scope and develop options for future reform. This approach recognises the pressure on budgets and services and the challenges of delivering further change and reform at a time when there is significant wider transformation across the health and social care sectors.

Future Plans

This plan is an important first step in describing the work that is underway or will be immediately progressed as we start to establish the Programme. It includes initial actions and milestones between October 2023-April 2025 and details the Scottish Government team that is responsible for delivery. Future plans will seek to include activity in partnership and at local level, including any actions that will be led by or with NHS Health Boards, Local Authorities, third sector organisations and other partners. It will also seek to reflect any future funding needs and requirements.



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