Mental Health and Capacity Reform: delivery plan October 2023 to April 2025

Initial delivery plan for the Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme, setting out a range of actions that are either underway or planned in the period up to April 2025.

3. Strategic Aim 3: Accountability

Our Aim

“Ensure that there are strong systems of accountability for upholding human rights across the mental health system”

Priority 7: Regulation and Scrutiny



Milestones (Oct 23 – Apr 25)

To strengthen the collective scrutiny and assurance of mental health services and drive improvement in the quality and safety of services and the experience and outcomes of people who use them.

7.1 We will consider the SMHLR recommendations in relation to strengthening accountability alongside the findings and recommendations from the Mental Health Scrutiny and Assurance Review and the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation led by Dame Sue Bruce.

As part of the new Human Rights Bill, the Scottish Government has consulted on proposals to create a more specific human rights remit for relevant scrutiny bodies in relation to the rights in the Bill.

7.2 We intend to work closely with key stakeholders, including scrutiny bodies, to develop a framework for mental health scrutiny and assurance.

Mental Health Scrutiny and Assurance Review will be published by Spring 2024

We aim to develop the framework by Summer 2024

To strengthen the collective scrutiny and assurance of mental health services and drive improvement in the quality and safety of services and the experience and outcomes of people who use them.

The framework will ensure that we have the improved arrangements in place to assess and drive progress in the quality and safety of mental health services, leading to better outcomes for people and a reduction in inequalities in experience and access to services. The framework will have the voices of lived experience at its heart and will build on the foundation established by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Core Mental Health Standards, both published in 2023, which clearly set out what good services should look like.

Mental Health Scrutiny and Assurance Review will be published by Spring 2024 We aim to develop the framework by Summer 2024

Lead: Mental Health – Care, Quality and Standards

Priority 8: Equalities monitoring and mainstreaming



Milestones (Oct 23 – Apr 25)

Promote the Equality Act and UNCRPD duties to collect data on protected characteristics

8.1 Public Health Scotland will publish additional equalities variables from the CAMHS and PT National Dataset (CAPTND).

8.2 To publish patient experience data by equalities characteristics.

Directors of eHealth will improve infrastructure that enables the full capture of CAPTND by the end of 2024

PHS will quality assure equalities data by March 2025

PHS will publish patient journey and outcomes data broken down by equalities in 2025

Lead: Mental Health – Data and Digital



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