
Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Bed Census, 2014

Overview of the results of the first Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Bed Census, carried out by the Scottish Government and NHS Boards as at midnight, 29 October 2014. The report provides evidence for Commitment 26 of the Mental Health Strategy for 2012 to 2015, but also enhances the Scottish Government’s and NHS Scotland’s understanding of mental health, addiction and learning disability services, and about the patients who use these services.

4. Other sources of mental health, addiction and learning disability statistics

NHS National Services Scotland, ISD Scotland

SMR04 - mental health (psychiatric) hospital inpatients and day cases

Information on mental health (psychiatric) hospital inpatients and day cases is collected by the Information Services Division (ISD) of NHS National Services Scotland in Scottish Morbidity Record 04 (SMR04). An SMR04 record should be submitted for every episode of inpatient or day case care in a mental health specialty in a psychiatric hospital or unit, or in a facility treating people with learning disabilities. The Scottish Government (Health Analytical Services Division) and ISD worked together to use the information collected in SMR04 to help quality assure the results of the bed census.

The May 2015 report Mental Health Hospital Inpatient Care: Trends up to 31 March 2014 presents long-term trends in annual numbers of psychiatric admissions, discharges, continuous inpatient stays, patients and hospital residents at 31 March 2014. It includes definitions of these five parameters and background information on the SMR04 dataset and its completeness.

SMR01 - inpatients and day cases in acute specialties

In addition to the SMR04 recording scheme for inpatients and day cases cared for in mental health specialties, activity for patients with mental and behavioural disorders cared for in acute (general hospital) specialties is recorded on the SMR01 scheme.

ISD(S)1 - outpatient attendances

Psychiatric outpatient attendances are recorded on the ISD(S)1 scheme (aggregated summary statistics on activity in hospitals and other health care settings in Scotland). Outpatient information can be found on the ISD website at Hospital care - Outpatient activity. Diagnostic information is not available from ISD(S)1 (or from the SMR00 outpatient appointment/attendance record scheme).

Other ISD Scotland sources and information

Information on the following topics which include mental health data is also available on the Mental Health section of the ISD website:

  • Child health
  • General Practice
  • Health and social community care
  • Psychiatric bed provision
  • SPARRA MD (Scottish Patients at Risk of Readmission and Admission Mental Disorder) report
  • Substance misuse.

In addition, the following are available under Mental health - Related publications:

  • Adult mental health benchmarking
  • Alcohol related discharges from psychiatric hospitals
  • Child and adolescent (CAMHS) benchmarking
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting times
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) workforce
  • Dementia
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
  • Medicines for mental health
  • Psychological therapies waiting times
  • Psychology workforce.

Regarding data on community mental health, the Community Health Activity Data project is underway to develop a robust community health activity and cost dataset. Phase two will look at community mental health. A multi-disciplinary team dataset will be implemented alongside a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) dataset.

ScotSID - suicide

The Scottish Suicide Information Database (ScotSID) provides a central repository for information on all recent probable suicide deaths in Scotland, and links these deaths to records of prior health service contact including psychiatric inpatients (SMR04) and outpatients (SMR00).


The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) website includes a Mental health topic with extensive information on the background and policy context; and data on mental wellbeing and mental health problems for adults and children, specific conditions, vulnerable groups, deprivation, and international comparisons, etc.

The ScotPHO website also includes a topic on Suicide which includes the background and policy context, and data on time trends.

Health Analytical Services Division (ASD), Scottish Government

Scottish Health Survey Topic Report: Mental Health and Wellbeing

This report, published in January 2015, explores factors associated with mental wellbeing and mental health among adults in Scotland using data from the Scottish Health Survey. Analyses are based on survey years 2012 to 2013.

Social Care Survey

Health Analytical Services Division collects data annually from local authorities on people who are in receipt of social care services e.g. personal care, Self-directed Support, Community Alarms, Telecare, Meals and Housing Support. The data collection includes data on people with dementia, mental health problems, learning disabilities and addictions (to name a few of the client groups). In the 2015 survey a new question was added to include data on all those clients who during the survey year as a result of an assessment has an assigned social worker or a support worker who is provided or funded by the local authority. This includes: Community Care Social Work, Mental Health Social Work and Substance Misuse Social Work.

The latest publication can be found here:

Dataset guidance notes are available here:

Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities (SCLD) and Health Analytical Services Division (Scottish Government)

Scottish Learning Disabilities Statistics

Every year, all local authorities in Scotland collect information on the numbers of people with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders in their area and send this information to the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities. Information is collected on everyone who is known to the local authority - not just the people who are using services. A range of data is collected, topics include: housing, care, employment, and education.

The latest publication can be found here:

The full dataset guidance notes are available here:

Health Analytical Services Division (Scottish Government), Care Inspectorate and ISD Scotland

Scottish Care Home Census

This census was first issued by the Scottish Government in March 2003 and replaced two previous surveys. It combined the former 'Residential Care Home Census - R1' (run by the Scottish Government) and the 'Private Nursing Homes Census' (run by ISD Scotland). From 2010, the census has been run in collaboration between Health Analytical Services Division, Care Inspectorate and ISD Scotland.

There are three sectors responsible for running care homes: local authority/NHS, private and voluntary sector. The census covers all adult care homes, which are registered with the Care Inspectorate, from these three sectors. This includes care homes for older people, care homes for people with learning disabilities, care homes for people with addictions and care homes for people with mental health problems.

The latest publication can be found here:

The guidance notes can be found here:

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland aims to ensure that care, treatment and support are lawful and respect the rights and promote the welfare of individuals with mental illness, learning disability and related conditions.

The Commission produces annual statistical monitoring reports based on an independent overview of the operation of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. This is a legal requirement.

The Commission receives notifications of most interventions under the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. It uses these to report on how the Act is used and to monitor trends over time and geographical variations. A range of data is held, including emergency detentions and short term detentions under the Act, for which certificates are issued. These detentions include cases of formal admission to hospital, about which each NHS board notifies the Commission.

Differences between SMR04, Census and Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland data

Formal admission records on the SMR04 and the census, mental health inpatient record scheme will overlap with the Commission's records on emergency and short term detention certificates which relate to hospital care. However most SMR04 records relate to informal admissions, which the Commission does not routinely record the Commission's records include those relating to formal community-based care as well as hospital-based care. SMR04 and the census is purely for hospital care.

It is therefore not advisable to try and compare the SMR04 and the census with the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland's data.

Scotland Census 2011, National Records of Scotland

The Scotland census included a question on the number of people who consider themselves to have a 'learning disability', 'development disorder' or a 'mental health condition' who live in the household in 2011.

Do you have any of the following conditions which have lasted, or are expected to last, at least 12 months?

(Selected items from list)

  • Learning disability (for example, Down's Syndrome)
  • Developmental disorder (for example, Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome)
  • Mental health condition

Full questionnaire is available at the following link:

Census Publications:


Email: David Scott / Ellen Lynch

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