
Mental health quality indicators: background and secondary definitions

Background information on the purpose and scope of the QI profile, a summary of its development, the actions needed to implement the QIs, and a full list of the indicators and their secondary definitions.

Mental Health Quality Indicators

Dr John Mitchell, Principal Medical Officer, Scottish Government



  • Action 38 of the Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027 commits to creating a Quality Indicator ( QI) profile. This paper describes the process to create the QI profile, and lists the indicators in full.
  • The QI profile is primarily a tool for monitoring and improving service quality. It will be complemented by a Mental Health Strategy Framework of data illustrating population mental health and wellbeing, strategic impact and parity of esteem between physical and mental health.
  • The QIs set no new targets and build on data that are already available.
  • Application will be to secondary mental health services. Primary care and third sector organisations can choose to use the indicators to evidence quality should they wish.
  • Feasibility testing with Health Boards and national consultation with territorial and special Health Boards, Integration Authorities, Local Authorities, Third Sector Organisations, professional bodies and cross Government policy areas has been generally positive.
  • Implementation will be phased, and ISD will work with Boards, Integration Authorities and other partners to optimise mental health data reporting by adapting or removing collection of data that is not clearly necessary or useful. Individual QIs may be modified over time.



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