
Mental health quality indicators: background and secondary definitions

Background information on the purpose and scope of the QI profile, a summary of its development, the actions needed to implement the QIs, and a full list of the indicators and their secondary definitions.

6. Implementation of the Quality Indicator profile

The delivery of the QI profile requires actions by:

  • Scottish Government – national analysis of aggregated reports will allow consideration of improvement action. The Annual Report to Parliament on progress in relation to the Mental Health Strategy will use selected data to illustrate progress.
  • Information Services Division, NHS NSS – collection, analysing and reporting data.
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland ( HIS) – whilst working with boards through the Mental Health Access Improvement Support Team ( MHAIST), HIS will encourage Boards to generate data required by ISD for collection, analysis and reporting of data.
  • Health Boards – aligning data collection and systems to permit data gathering and reporting to ISD. Agreeing local clinical and personal outcome measures. Local analysis of reports with improvement actions.
  • Integration Authorities - aligning data collection and systems to permit data gathering and reporting to ISD. Agreeing local clinical and personal outcome measures. Local analysis of reports with improvement actions.

A phased process is intended, as follows:

Data collection and reporting Indicators Start date
Existing LDP access mental health standards T1,T2,T3, From January 19
Data from health and wellbeing indicators P1, P2, E1, Ef1, Ef2, Eq1 From January 19
Data from Adult Toolkit S1, E1, Ef2, Ef3, Ef4, Eq1 From January 19
Other existing data P3, P4, Eq2, Eq3, Eq4 From January 19
Currently uncollected data T4, T5, S2, S3, S4, S5, P5, E2, E3, E4, E5, Ef5, Eq5 Incremental inclusion to full reporting from January 2021.

Creation of data recording and collection processes for the outstanding measures with incremental additional reporting will occur with the intention of full reporting of all 30 QIs by January 2021.

Management reports to Scottish Government, Health Boards and Integration Authorities will be made available on a monthly basis with quarterly publication on the ISD website.

In parallel with this phased collection and reporting, ISD will work with Boards, Integration Authorities and other partners to optimise mental health data reporting by adapting or removing collection of data that is not clearly necessary or useful. Criteria will be established to explicitly describe why it is necessary to collect the data, who uses it, how it is used and what the outcome of this is. This will require discussion from a variety of stakeholders, including individual clinicians, professions, organisations and academics.

The QI profile will, in due course, need to be reviewed and adapted to ensure it

remains relevant.



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