
Mental Health in Scotland: Closing the Gaps - Making a Difference: Commitment 13

Mental Health in Scotland: Closing the Gaps - Making a Difference: Commitment 13

Annex B: The following published material, references and links cover those mentioned in the document and wider

Alcoholics Anonymous -

A Fuller Life (2004) Scottish Government

'A Matter of Substance'

Access to mainstream and specialist services for those with a sensory loss and mental health problem. - NHSHDL (2005) 27-

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

Adult Support and Protection Bill

Alcohol statistics Scotland 2007

ARBIAS/ SAMH checklist and indicators - Contact SAMH - :


Baldacchino A. Co-morbid substance misuse and mental health problems: policy and practice in Scotland.

American Journal on Addictions. 16(3):147-59, 2007 May-Jun.

Baldacchino A & Corkery J: - Comorbidity: Perspectives Across Europe. European Collaborating Centres in Addiction Studies. Available from CARES office. Tel 01382 632414

Cantwell et al 2003. Substance Use and Schizophrenia: Effects on symptoms, social functioning and service use. British Journal of Psychiatry vol 183, p324-329

Carer Information Strategies

CARES report - Co morbid Mental Health and Substance Misuse in Scotland - Centre for Addiction Research and Education in Scotland

Changing Lives: Report of the 21 st Century Social Work Review

Choose Life evaluation; research findings from 2006

Co-morbidity of substance misuse and mental illness collaborative study ( COSMIC). Department of Health 2004. National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse - www. nta_ cosmic_survey_2002_rs1.pdf

Delivering for Mental Health (2006) Scottish Government

Doing well by people with depression

Drug-related deaths in Scotland 2003

Dual Diagnosis Good Practice Guide, Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide, (Department of Health 2004)

Dual diagnosis in mental health inpatient and day hospital settings (Department of Health)

Every Family in the Land -AH Crisp Ed. Royal Society of Medicine 2003

Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies on Drug Misusing Clients

Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies on Drug Misusing Clients. Smith I , Hillman A. Management of alcohol Korsakoff syndrome. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 1999; 5:271-8

Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. "Mini-mental state." A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician.
J Psychiatr Res. 1975;12:189-198

Foster, T . Dying for a drink: Global suicide prevention should focus more on alcohol use disorders. BMJ. 2001 October 13; 323(7317): 817/8.

Frisher, M., Collins, J., Millson, D., Crome, I. and Croft, P. (2004) Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric illness and substance abuse in primary care in England and Wales, J Epidemiol Community Health, December, 58(12): 1036-1041

Getting our priorities right

GHQ12 -

Gilchrist G, Gruer L, Atkinson J (2005) Comparison of drug use and psychiatric morbidity between prostitute and non-prostitute female drug users in Glasgow, Scotland. Addictive Behaviours Volume 30, Issue 5, June 2005, Pages 1019-1023

Gilchrist G, Morrison D (2005) Prevalence of alcohol related brain damage among homeless hostel dwellers in Glasgow The European Journal of Public Health 2005 15(6):587-588;

Heim, D., Hunter, S.C., Ross, A.J., Bakshi, N., Davies, J.B., Flatley, K.J., & Meer, N. (2004). Alcohol consumption, perceptions of community responses, and attitudes to service provision: Results from a survey of Indian, Chinese and Pakistani young people in Greater Glasgow, Scotland, UK . Alcohol and Alcoholism , 39 , 220-226

Hidden harm


Housing and Support Needs of those affected by Chronic Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Related Brain Damage in Tayside. Dundee Council Housing Department. Rosengard Associates (2006)

Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People: the role of schools in delivering integrated children's services

( )

Integrated Children's Service Plans 2005-2008


Looking Forward: Recovering from Alcohol Related Brain Damage - contact SAMH for copy -

McIntosh C, Chick J Alcohol And The Nervous System Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2004; 75:iii16-iii21

McNeill S. (2007) Between A Rock and a Hard Place. The Point Summer 2007.

(Scottish Association for Mental Health)

Management of harmful drinking in and alcohol dependence in primary care - SIGN guideline 74

Mathuranath PS, Nestor PJ, Berrios GE, Rakowicz W, Hodges JR

A brief cognitive test battery to differentiate Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia. Neurology 2000;55:1613-1620

Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland Act) 2003

Mental Health of Children and Young People: A Framework for Promotion, Prevention and Care

Mind the Gaps (2003) Scottish Government

Morrison D, Gilchrist G and Mackay Alcohol Related Brain Damage in Glasgow: prevalence, severity, and care needs of homeless hostel dwellers.. NHS Glasgow 2003

Munro A, Watson HE & McFadyen A. (2006) Assessing the impact of training on mental health nurses' therapeutic attitudes and knowledge about co-morbidity: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Published online, September 2006, available at http/

National Assistance Act 1948

National confidential inquiry ( NIC) into suicide and homicide by people with

mental illness in England and Wales (university of Manchester 2006)

National Investigation into Drug Related Deaths in Scotland, 2003 (2005)

Substance Misuse Research, Edinburgh, Scottish Government (

National Quality Standards for substance misuse services

National Quality standards statement 10:

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse evidence review;

National Treatment Outcome Research Study ( NTORS)

Prevention of Relapse in Alcohol Dependence - NHSQIS

Review of progress since SNAP report on Huntington's Disease, Acquired Brain Injury and Early Onset Dementia

Rights, Relationships and Recovery (2006), The national review of medal health nursing in Scotland

Ryan, C & Butters, N (1986). The neuropsychology of alcoholism. In D. Wedding, A. Horton, & J. Webster (Eds.), The neuropsychology handbook: Behavioral and clinical perspectives (pp. 376-409). New York: Springer.

"see me' -

Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968

Standards and performance requirements for NHS Boards in support of the planning and provision of services for homeless people.

Taggart L, McLaughlin D, Quinn B & Milligan V. An exploration of substance misuse in people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (2006) vol 50 p588-597.

UK Psychiatric Morbidity study in adults

Watson H, McLaren W, Ker S. Staff attitudes towards working with drug users: Development of the Drug Problems Perceptions Questionnaire. Addiction, 102, 206-215

Weaver and Tyrer 2004. Desperately Seeking Solutions: the search for appropriate treatment for co-morbid substance use and psychosis. Psychiatric Bulletin 28, p1-2

Weaver T et al. Comorbidity of Substance Misuse and Mental Illness Collaborative study team. Comorbidity of substance misuse and mental illness in community mental health and substance misuse services.

British Journal of Psychiatry. 183:304-13, 2003 Oct

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