
Mental Health in Scotland: Improving the Physical Health and Well Being of those Experiencing Mental Illness

Mental Health in Scotland: Improving the Physical Health and Well Being of those Experiencing Mental Illness

Stigma and Discrimination

Legislation requires that all Agencies dealing with the public remove discrimination and promote equality, yet (current) "See Me" survey reports that some people with mental health problems still feel stigmatised. 37 They have found that when it comes to their physical health needs they can be subject to unequal access to services and can feel stigmatised and discriminated against when they try to access general health care services. They feel their physical health concerns are too often put down to their mental health problem 33, especially if their symptoms are medically unexplained, a common issue for survivors of sexual and physical violence. 16 Research has confirmed that they do not always receive the same medical treatments as the rest of the public 4 and consequently outcomes can be worse. 38

Legislation is in place to counteract and deal with discrimination on the grounds of age and disability. There is also now a legal duty on all public agencies including the NHS to be proactive in supporting the rights of people with disabilities. The responsibility of local authorities and social services in this respect are outlined in the Scottish Social services Code of Practice 39 and "With Inclusion in Mind". 40

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