
Coronavirus (COVID-19): mental health - transition and recovery plan

This plan outlines our response to the mental health impacts of COVID-19. It addresses the challenges that the pandemic has had, and will continue to have, on the population’s mental health.

8. People With Long-Term Physical Health Conditions and Disabilities

People who are, or who have been in, the shielding category (and their families and carers) are among those most likely to have been affected adversely by Covid-19 restrictions. We also recognise that the "high risk" category is likely to be wider than those who have been formally asked to shield during the pandemic. We will ensure that those who are in either the shielding category, or who have been self-isolating due to other risk factors, are supported to maintain their mental and physical wellbeing.

As well as ensuring the right help and support is in place, our approach will include a focus on self-management and peer support where possible.

  • 8.1 - A Person-Centred Approach. Working with Local Authorities, Integrated Joint Boards, NHS Boards and stakeholders, we will develop a person-centred approach to supporting the mental health of those who have been in shielding (or who are at higher risk) for extended periods. By December 2020, we will have gathered together examples of best practice, including approaches which focus on self-management and peer support. This will support our approach to implementation. By March 2021, appropriate support will be being delivered to those whose mental wellbeing has been adversely affected by shielding, or by being at higher risk.
  • 8.2 - Children and Young People. Working with Local Authorities, we will identify actions to support the specific mental health needs of children and young people who have been in shielding, or who are living in families who have been shielding.
  • 8.3 - Access to Services. Working with NHS Boards and other partners, we will develop a specific pathway for those who have been in shielding (or who are at higher risk) who require clinical treatment in response to mental illness to ensure they are able to access timely and effective support.



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