
Coronavirus (COVID-19): mental health - transition and recovery plan

This plan outlines our response to the mental health impacts of COVID-19. It addresses the challenges that the pandemic has had, and will continue to have, on the population’s mental health.

13. Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery from Covid-19 Infection

People who have been infected with Covid-19 and who have been treated in specialist inpatient settings will have had their mental health impacted to varying degrees. Most will recover with the support of those close to them but some people may be left with post traumatic disorders including anxiety, depression and PTSD. The severity of each individual infection, and in particular each individual Intensive Care Unit (ICU) experience, will be important factors. It is estimated that 20% of ICU survivors routinely experience PTSD[13]. Covid-19 infections may also be associated with variable longer term health problems which may impact negatively on mental health.

  • 13.1 - Recovery and Rehabilitation Framework. Mental health is a key part of the implementation of our Framework for Supporting People through Recovery and Rehabilitation. Support will be community-based where possible. This will include assessment and, if needed, timely rehabilitation of Covid-19 related impaired cognitive functioning.
  • 13.2 - Post-ICU Support. To support people who have been admitted to ICU with Covid-19, we will build on the work of the InS:PIRE (Intensive Care Syndrome: Promoting Independence and Return to Employment) programme. This will ensure patients who are assessed as needing specialist mental health support are able to receive appropriate treatment locally following discharge from ICU. The success of this approach may also be generalised to all patients who have been in acute hospitals due to Covid-19.



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