
Coronavirus (COVID-19): mental health - transition and recovery plan

This plan outlines our response to the mental health impacts of COVID-19. It addresses the challenges that the pandemic has had, and will continue to have, on the population’s mental health.

14. A Long-Term, Trauma-Informed Approach to Recovery

As a long-term response to the Covid-19 crisis, evidence and expert opinion is accumulating that a trauma-informed approach to recovery should be a key component of remobilisation. Scotland is in an excellent position to respond quickly and effectively, and significant progress has already been made to meet our ambition of our workforce and services being fully trauma-informed. This work has been supported by our National Trauma Training Programme, led by NHS Education for Scotland.

  • 14.1 - National Trauma Training Programme[14]. We will expand the National Trauma Training Programme by a further two years (to 2022-23) to ensure that our workforce have the resources they need to help raise awareness of the different ways in which traumatic experiences and traumatic stress affect people.
  • 14.2 - A Trauma-Informed Response. We will work together with senior leaders across all sectors and, alongside people with lived experience, to ensure that our collective response to Covid-19 is framed within a wider culture of trauma-informed principles and understanding. We will ensure that there is compassionate leadership and that formal support for staff wellbeing is in place.
  • 14.3 - Resources for Staff. We will continue to develop tailored trauma training resources for staff working in maternity services and people caring for looked after children, as well as the wider health and social care workforce.
  • 14.4 - Research and Best Practice. We will establish a programme of research to showcase and share good practice from trauma-informed organisations across Scotland.



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