
Mental Health Scrutiny and Assurance Evidence Review

This is a national review of the scrutiny and assurance of mental health services in Scotland. The aim of this review is to map and assess current scrutiny arrangements, and to inform the Scottish Government’s considerations for how these may be strengthened.

List of Abbreviations

AS Audit Scotland

ASD Autism spectrum disorder

AHP Allied health professional

CI Care Inspectorate

EiP Early intervention in psychosis

HB Health Board

HIS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

HIW Health Inspectorate Wales

SB Scrutiny Body

SPSO Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

ID Intellectual disability

IJB Integration Joint Board

JIAS Joint Inspections of Adult Services

MDMHT Multidisciplinary mental health team

NSACG Mental Health and Learning Disability National Scrutiny and Assurance Coordination Group

MWC Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

NHS National Health Service (Scotland)

NES NHS Education for Scotland

SIHCG Sharing Intelligence for Health and Care Group

SMHLR Scottish Mental Health Law Review

SPSP Scottish Patient Safety Programme

TSH The State Hospital

VOX Voices of Experience



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