
Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027

The Scottish Government's approach to mental health from 2017 to 2027 – a 10 year vision.

Data and measurement

Mental health strategy data framework

The Scottish Government will develop a mental health strategy data framework. The aims are to have data that is useful to planners of services, clinicians, and people developing policy, and to cut back on the collection of data that is under-used or not fit for purpose. This will help meet the World Health Organisation's Global Target 4, on routine collection and reporting of mental health indicators. [31]

Good data collection requires an underpinning of development and use of digital tools and better use of electronic information: as well as supporting data these can increase efficiency and improve healthcare outcomes in Scotland. That is, of course, a cross-cutting agenda.

Governance and reporting process

The Scottish Government will also develop a governance process to oversee this 10 year Strategy, and a reporting process to track progress.

  • Action 38: Develop a quality indicator profile in mental health which will include measures across six quality dimensions - person-centred, safe, effective, efficient, equitable and timely.

The monitoring and implementation of this Strategy will be supported by local performance management and reporting undertaken by Integration Authorities. This will allow for tracking of progress towards the nine national health and wellbeing outcomes - for which Integration Authorities are accountable to deliver.

As good mental health is not the sole preserve of health services, or even public services, we will also seek to work regularly with stakeholders to shape how actions are implemented and how we learn lessons for the future. By working together, both within and outwith government, we can realise the ambitions of this Strategy.

  • Action 39: Establish a bi-annual forum of stakeholders to help track progress on the actions in this Strategy, and to help develop new actions in future years to help meet our ambitions.
  • Action 40: Carry out a full progress review in 2022, the halfway point of the strategy, to ensure that lessons are learnt from actions to that point.



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