Mental Health Strategy actions: progress reports June 2019

We produce regular progress report on actions identified in the Mental Health Strategy 2017 to 2027.

We published our ten year Mental Health Strategy on 30 March 2017, and see it as the centrepiece for our focus on improving Mental Health. We published the first progress report on implementation of the strategy in September 2018. 

The strategy contains 40 specific actions. Each action is intended to tackle a specific issue and, in this way, the strategy will make a positive and meaningful difference to people with mental health issues.

The attached progress reports relate to each action. 

Previous progress reports are available on our archived website.

Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
Action 9
Action 10
Action 11
Action 13
Action 14
Action 15
Action 16
Action 17
Action 19
Action 20
Action 21
Action 22
Action 23
Action 24
Action 25
Action 26
Action 27
Action 28
Action 29
Action 30
Action 31
Action 32
Action 33
Action 34
Action 35
Action 36
Action 37
Action 38
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