
Mental health and wellbeing among adolescents in Scotland: profile and trends

Mental Health and Wellbeing among Adolescents in Scotland looks at trends and key associations for the mental health of boys and girls aged 13 and 15. The report found that friendships and a positive experience of school are the two things most closely aligned with mental wellbeing. Other factors include playing sport at least once a week, belonging to a club, expecting to go to university and reading books. Deprivation and poorer physical health both correlate with lower mental wellbeing.

Appendix D: Chapter 3 bases

Table D.1 - Bases for figure 3.8 Overall SDQ score by family status and sex (% borderline or abnormal score) (2013)

Single parent Step parent (and one parent) Both parents Other
Male 3440 1101 9654 685
Female 3498 1502 9802 578

Table D.2 - Bases for figure 3.10 Overall SDQ score by mother's knowledge and sex (2013)

Below median knowledge Median knowledge or above
Male 6091 8591
Female 6718 8552

Table D.3 - Bases for figure 3.12 Overall SDQ score by age of friends and sex (% borderline or abnormal scores) (2013)

Older than me Younger than me About the same age as me Mixed ages
Male 628 298 10004 4119
Female 596 180 10237 4527

Table D.4 - Bases for figure 3.14 Overall SDQ score by number of friends and sex (2013)

None One or more
Male 282 13962
Female 596 180

Table D.5 - Bases for figure 3.16 Overall SDQ score by number evenings spent with friends and sex (% borderline or abnormal scores) (2013)

0-1 evenings 2-3 evenings 4-5 evenings 6-7 evenings
Male 2816 5250 4519 2334
Female 1944 4120 2934 1271

Table D.6 - Bases for figure 3.18 Overall SDQ score by whether like school and sex (% borderline or abnormal score) (2013)

I like it a lot I like it a bit I don't like it very much I don't like it at all
Male 3012 8094 2614 1312
Female 2490 5751 1609 462

Table D.7 - Bases for figure 3.20 Overall SDQ score by school pressure and sex (% borderline or abnormal score) (2013)

Never Sometimes A lot of the time
Male 2741 9158 3208
Female 1742 5996 2609

Table D.8 - Bases for figure 3.22 Overall SDQ score by number of times truanted and sex (% borderline or abnormal score) (2013)

None 1-3 times 4-10 times More than 10 times
Male 9967 3607 946 511
Female 7934 1873 387 131

Table D.9 - Bases for figure 3.24 Overall SDQ score by exclusion and sex (2013)

No Yes
Male 13384 1605
Female 9802 492

Table D.10 - Bases for figure 3.26 Overall SDQ score by Free School Meal (FSM) entitlement and sex (2013)

Yes No
Male 1660 12156
Female 1036 8545

Table D.11 - Bases for figure 3.22 Overall SDQ score by number of times truanted and sex (% borderline or abnormal score) (2013)

University FE college Apprenticeship Working Other
Male 7557 2108 1207 1600 2683
Female 7276 1550 68 436 1027


Email: Iain MacAllister

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