
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: delivery plan 2023-2025

Mental health and wellbeing strategy delivery plan describing the work that we will undertake to improving mental health for everyone in Scotland covering the period 2023 to 2025.

Summary outcomes

Our outcomes describe the differences or changes that we want to see as a result of this Strategy:

1. Improved overall mental wellbeing and reduced inequalities.

2. Improved quality of life for people with mental health conditions, free from stigma and discrimination.

3. Improved knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and how to access appropriate support.

4. Better equipped communities to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and provide opportunities to connect with others.

5. More effective cross-policy action to address the wide-ranging factors that impact people’s mental health and wellbeing.

6. Increased availability of timely, effective support, care and treatment that promote and support people’s mental health and wellbeing, meeting individual needs.

7. Better informed policy, support, care and treatment, shaped by people with lived experience and practitioners, with a focus on quality and recovery.

8. Better access to and use of evidence and data in policy and practice.

9. A diverse, skilled, supported and sustainable workforce across all sectors.

This first Delivery Plan sets out what actions we will take over the next 18 months to make progress towards delivering each of the ten priorities identified in the Strategy. This includes actions from different areas across government in recognition of our cross-government approach. The work in this Plan seeks to complement and build on other policies and programmes of work which support our Strategy’s outcomes to address the causes of poor mental health and to support those who need help quickly and effectively.

The actions in this Delivery Plan align to the short-term outcomes in our Strategy’s outcomes framework. As well as delivering impact in the short-term, these actions will provide the building blocks for medium to long-term change.

The Delivery Plan will be reviewed and refreshed after 18 months. Actions in the Delivery Plan will not just be limited to each plan’s lifespan. Each refresh will carry over actions, while introducing new commitments as appropriate, and closing off anything that has been successfully delivered.



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