
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: delivery plan 2023-2025

Mental health and wellbeing strategy delivery plan describing the work that we will undertake to improving mental health for everyone in Scotland covering the period 2023 to 2025.

Governance, monitoring and evaluation

In the Strategy, we said we would put appropriate joint governance arrangements in place to oversee implementation and support progress. These arrangements are set out below and will be established during the first year of this Plan.

We will establish a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Board to oversee progress. The Board will:

  • Provide national leadership and strategic oversight of priorities.
  • Ensure activity delivers clear benefits, aligned with the Strategy’s vision, outcomes and principles.
  • Provide constructive support and challenge to ensure progress against actions set out in the Delivery Plan.
  • Play a key role in evaluating the impact of interventions and sharing learning.

Membership of the Leadership Board will include representation from a range of Scottish Government portfolio areas, Local Government, NHS Boards, Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs) and the Third Sector. The Board will have direct access to advice from key groups, including the Equality and Human Rights Forum and the Diverse Experiences Advisory Panel.

In establishing the Leadership Board we will look to streamline the existing governance landscape to reduce the number of advisory and other groups. This will simplify decision- making and support clearer accountability for delivery. The Leadership Group will also play a key role in shaping and agreeing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Strategy, which will be published during the lifetime of this first Plan.



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