
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: consultation

We want to hear your views on what a new mental health and wellbeing strategy for Scotland should look like. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final strategy.

Questions – Part 17

Our Immediate Actions

17.1 In addition to developing our workforce vision and outcomes, we are also seeking views on what our immediate short-term actions (in the next year) should be for the mental health and wellbeing workforce.

Please select as many options below as you agree with.

  • Develop targeted national and international recruitment campaigns for the mental health workforce
  • Scope alternative pathways to careers within the workforce, beyond traditional university and college routes, such as apprenticeship pathways into mental health nursing
  • Improve capacity in the mental health services to supervise student placements to support the growth of our workforce
  • Take steps to increase the diversity of the mental health workforce, so it is reflective of the population that it cares for
  • Work with NHS Education Scotland (NES) to improve workforce data, including equalities data, for mental health services in the NHS, by the end of 2023
  • Undertake an evaluation of our Mental Health Strategy 2017 commitment to fund 800 additional mental health workers in key settings, including A&Es, GP practices, police station custody suite and prisons, to ensure that the lessons learnt inform future recruitment.

17.2 Do you think there are any other immediate actions we should take to support the workforce?Please specify.

17.3 Do you have any further comments or reflections on how to best support the workforce to promote mental health and wellbeing for people in Scotland? Please Specify.

17.4 Do you have any examples of different ways of working, best practice or case studies that would help support better workforce planning? For example, increasing the use of advanced practitioners. Please Specify.



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