
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: consultation

We want to hear your views on what a new mental health and wellbeing strategy for Scotland should look like. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final strategy.

Questions – Part 4


Below are the outcomes that people have said they would like this refreshed Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy to achieve. Some of these describe how things might be better for individuals, some for communities, and some for the whole population of Scotland.

We'd like to know if you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve each outcome. For each one, please indicate your selection with a tick under the corresponding option:

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

This will help us to understand what is most important to people, and what our priorities should be.

4.1. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcome to address underlying social factors?

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities

4.2. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for people?

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions

People understand the things that can affect their own and other's mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion

People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel

People know what they can do to look after their own and other's mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect

People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances

People feel safe, secure, settled and supported

People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning

People feel valued, respected, included and accepted

People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support

People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them

People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives

People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities

People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives

People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible

People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible

People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse

People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected

  • 4.2.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?
4.3 Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for communities? This includes geographic communities, communities of interest and communities of shared characteristics.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing

Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination

Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing

Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others.

  • 4.3.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?
4.4 Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for populations?

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma

We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions

We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course

People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life

  • 4.4.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?
4.5 Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for services and support?

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding

Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery

When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals

We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use

Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs

People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical)

Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual's mental health and wellbeing

  • 4.5.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?
4.6 Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy should aim to achieve the following outcome for information, data and evidence?

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this

  • 4.6.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcome?

4.7 Are there any other outcomes we should be working towards? Please specify:



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