
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: executive summary

Executive summary of the new mental health and wellbeing strategy, laying out our vision for improving mental health and wellbeing in Scotland.


Our vision is that the current and future mental health and wellbeing workforce are valued and supported to provide effective, person-centred, trauma-informed, rights-based compassionate services and support.

Overarching workforce aim

Through our strategic approach to workforce planning, our aim is to achieve a mental health and wellbeing workforce which is diverse, skilled, supported and sustainable.

The mental health and wellbeing workforce play a critical part in how we promote positive mental wellbeing, prevent poor mental health or further deterioration in those with existing mental health conditions, and provide safe, effective, timely, compassionate and evidenced-based support, care and treatment where these are required.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Plan

We will publish a Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Action Plan setting out the immediate actions, timeframes and allocation of responsibilities for achieving the outcomes, all of which contribute to achieving our vision for the workforce to ensure that everyone experiences the best mental health and wellbeing possible.

Workforce Pillar: Plan

Overarching Aim: Whole person, evidence-based planning across the system to ensure the right workforce numbers, with the right skills, to provide the right support, at the right time.

Workforce Pillar: Attract

Overarching Aim: Mental health and wellbeing careers are attractive, with inclusive and diverse routes to recruitment, clear progression pathways and where all are respected, empowered and valued for their work.

Workforce Pillar: Train

Overarching Aim: The mental health and wellbeing workforce is skilled, trained and supported to work agilely and flexibly, embracing new technologies and are informed by evidence to support a whole person approach.

Workforce Pillar: Employ

Overarching Aim: Underpinned by Fair Work principles, sustainable and inclusive growth is created within the mental health and wellbeing workforce, in line with Scotland's population demographics and the demands on services.

Workforce Pillar: Nurture

Overarching Aim: The mental health and wellbeing workforce are valued, empowered and supported.



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