
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: executive summary

Executive summary of the new mental health and wellbeing strategy, laying out our vision for improving mental health and wellbeing in Scotland.

Our vision

Our vision is of a Scotland, free from stigma and inequality, where everyone fulfils their right to achieve the best mental health and wellbeing possible.

In order to achieve this, we will:

Promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the whole population, improving understanding and tackling stigma, inequality and discrimination;

Prevent mental health issues occurring or escalating and tackle underlying causes, adversities and inequalities wherever possible; and

Provide mental health and wellbeing support and care, ensuring people and communities can access the right information, skills, services and opportunities in the right place at the right time, using a person-centred approach.

We seek to have a stronger emphasis and focus on promoting good mental health and wellbeing for all, and also on early intervention and prevention. We will do this while also ensuring high-quality services are in place so that people can access the right support at the right time to meet their needs.



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