Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Assessment

Assessing how the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy can reduce inequalities of outcomes caused by socio-economic disadvantage in Scotland.

4 - Decision

The decision stage allows deputy directors (or above) to consider the assessment process from stages 2 and 3. They can also agree changes to the policy, proposal or decision and confirm that due regard to meeting the Fairer Scotland Duty has been achieved.

As the Strategy was developed to include equalities and rights work from the beginning, there are currently no changes needed to the existing policy. The Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan are agile documents, reflecting the need to pause and reflect on what actions have been effective and subsequently what changes could be made, at regular intervals. The first Delivery Plan is expected to span 18 months with a review and refresh planed at this stage. Impact assessments are also viewed as live documents and so will also be reviewed at this time or where the policy changes direction in the interim.

Sign off of the Fairer Scotland Assessment template

[This template should be signed off at DD level or above]


Job title: Deputy Director



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