
Mental health and wellbeing strategy: outcomes framework

The mental health and wellbeing outcomes framework underpins our strategy. It sets out the range of changes needed across society to improve mental health and wellbeing in Scotland, and will help monitor and evaluate progress as the Strategy is implemented.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Outcomes Framework


We want to be clear about what our Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is trying to achieve. Specifically, we want to lay out the changes that are needed and describe how the actions in the Delivery Plan will lead to that change happening in a sustainable way.

To do this, we have developed a set of outcomes. These are the differences or changes that we want to see as a result of the Strategy.

These outcomes are intended to be for the whole population of Scotland. People will have different starting points and require different kinds of support to get them where they want to be. For example, the needs of children and young people will differ from those of adults. So, too, will the needs of someone with severe and enduring mental illness when compared to someone struggling with their mental wellbeing.

The needs of those who experience social and structural inequality and discrimination, such as those with protected characteristics, will also vary.

The outcomes we aim for are the same for everyone, although the actions we need to take to get there will likely differ for different groups. We will use these outcomes to help monitor and evaluate progress as this Strategy is implemented, and as we refresh and update the accompanying Delivery Plan.

High Level Summary Outcomes

Whole Population Level Outcomes

The overall mental health and wellbeing of the population is increased and mental health inequalities are reduced.

People with mental health conditions, including those with co-existing health conditions experience improved quality and length of life, free from stigma and discrimination.

People have an increased knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and how to access appropriate support.

Communities are better equipped to act as a source of support for people's mental health and wellbeing, championing the eradication of stigma and discrimination and providing a range of opportunities to connect with others.

We adopt a 'mental health and wellbeing in all policies' approach to facilitate cross-policy actions that more effectively address the wide-ranging social, economic and environmental factors that impact people's mental health and wellbeing, including poverty, stigma, discrimination, and injustice.

Process Outcomes

Comprehensive support and services that promote and support people's mental health and wellbeing are available in a timely way that meets and respects individual needs.

Mental health policies, support, care, and treatment are better informed and shaped by people with lived experience of mental health issues and staff practitioners, with a focus on high quality provision that is recovery orientated.

Decision-makers and practitioners (including the third sector)are better able to access the evidence, research and data they need to ensure a more evidence-based approach to policy formation and practice.

The mental health and wellbeing workforce is diverse, skilled, supported and sustainable.

Contextual Factors

Impact of Covid-19

Impact of cost of living

Local context

Voices of People with Lived Experience

Development of National Care Service

Role of third sector

Other strategies, including Suicide Prevention, Dementia

Standards development

Role of local authorities

Political change

Our VISION is for a Scotland, free from stigma and inequality, where every person experiences and has the right to achieve the best mental health and wellbeing possible.

Logic Model Showing the Achievement of Strategy Outcomes



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