Microgeneration strategy for Scotland

Following on from the Renewables Routemap 2020, this is a sectoral routemap for microgeneration.

7 Next Steps

This Strategy sets out how far we have come in moving microgeneration from a niche market into the mainstream, where we see the future for microgeneration and how we will continue to support its development.

We live in a rapidly changing landscape for energy, where we have seen market growth deliver the rapid reduction in costs of technologies such as solar PV, where rising fuel prices are driving improvements in the efficiency of our homes, communities and businesses and where we see constant innovation in technology and how we manage energy. We recognise that we must continue to work closely with stakeholders, through the Microgeneration Task Group and other groups, to deliver the actions set out the Strategy.

The Strategy is focussed on deployment of microgeneration, demonstrating how the technology is being used now by people across Scotland. Our next step is to work the Task Group to monitor deployment and review against the scenarios set out in the Strategy, to ensure the package of incentives available and supporting actions are meeting our aim to continue to growth the market.

The Strategy also focuses on the development of a strong market base by 2020. Beyond 2020, we wish to see a sustainable and viable market to help us deliver the transition to a Low Carbon Economy.


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