Migration - Meeting Scotland's Needs
An overview of the vision, values, and policy proposals underpinning the Scottish Government's strategic approach to migration policy.
1 ONS, Long-term international migration, provisional: year ending June 2024
2 Migration Advisory Committee (2018) EEA migration in the UK
3 Scottish Fiscal Commission (2023) Fiscal Sustainability Report
4 Office for National Statistics (2023) 2020-based interim national population projections
5 The Federation of Small Businesses, Starting over: migrant entrepreneurship in Scotland
6 Migration Advisory Committee (2018) EEA Migration in the UK: Final Report
7 Bank of England (2015) EU membership and the Bank of England
8 American Economic Association (2010) How Much Does Immigration Boost Innovation?
9 Oxford Economics (2018) The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on the UK
10 Nuffield Trust (April 2024). The future for health after Brexit.
11 Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (March 2023). Post-Brexit migration and accessing foreign talent in the Creative Industries.
12 Why do people come to the UK? Work - GOV.UK
13 Summary of latest statistics - GOV.UK
15 Migrants in the UK: An Overview - Migration Observatory - The Migration Observatory
Email: migration@gov.scot
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