
Miners' strike 1984/85 pardon consultation: analysis of responses

Findings from the analysis of the responses received to the consultation, which ran from 12 March 2021 to 4 June 2021.

A note about terminology and abbreviations

Throughout this report, ‘the independent review’ refers to the review of policing of the 1984/85 miners’ strike and its impact on mining communities in Scotland, led by John Scott QC. The final report of this review was published in October 2020.

In addition, ‘the strike’ refers to the national miners’ strike which began in March 1984 and ended in March 1985.

The following abbreviations are used in this report:

BoP: Breach of the Peace

EQIA: Equality Impact Assessment

MSP: Member of the Scottish Parliament

NUM: National Union of Mineworkers

NCB: National Coal Board

Q: Question

QC: Queen’s Counsel

SNP: Scottish National Party



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