Minimum Income Guarantee: Experts by Experience Panel report

The full report from the Minimum Income Guarantee Experts by Experience Panel who have deliberated on the complexities of designing a Minimum Income Guarantee and provided rich insights which will continue to inform the Expert Group’s decision making.

Initial panel demographic overview

The panel was initially recruited to comprise of 30 members, with 14 male and 16 female members. Due to one member dropping out at an early stage the statistics below represent the remaining 29 members from the original recruitment exercise.

The age distribution ranged from 16 to 80 years, with 5 members in the 16-29 age group, 6 in the 30-44 age group, 11 in the 45-64 age group, and 7 members aged 65 and over.

In terms of ethnicity, the panel included individuals from various backgrounds, with 15 members identifying as White Scottish, 6 as White British Other, 5 as White Other, 3 as from Diverse Ethnic Communities (which included Black African or Caribbean, Black African or Caribbean Scottish, and Black African or Caribbean British with Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups), and 1 as Asian or Asian Scottish or Asian British.

The panel members were distributed across different regions in Scotland, with the highest concentration in Glasgow. The panel was predominantly represented by those who live in urban areas with 24 members living in an urban area and 5 in a rural area.



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