Minimum Income Guarantee: Experts by Experience Panel report

The full report from the Minimum Income Guarantee Experts by Experience Panel who have deliberated on the complexities of designing a Minimum Income Guarantee and provided rich insights which will continue to inform the Expert Group’s decision making.


Panel members were recruited by the Sortition Foundation. Invitations to express interest to join the Panel were sent to eligible members of the public from the Sortition Foundation's database of previous respondent's to civic lottery processes. From the expressions of interest that were received, selection by a process of random stratified sampling was undertaken to ensure that the Panel members reflect a diverse range of experiences with respect to financial insecurity, along with reflecting the demographics of Scotland. This includes, but is not limited to, experience of being in insecure or fluctuating work, having their availability for work being limited by health conditions, a disability and/or caring responsibilities, being reliant on benefits, encountering pressures that have resulted in getting behind on important bills or being in arrears on key payments, struggling to afford household essentials (including heating, food, rent or mortgage), visiting a food bank and/or entering into unmanageable debt or borrowing. Thirty members were recruited. The full Panel demographic profile from the Sortition Foundation and follow-up data collected on demographic features can be found in Appendix 1. The first meeting of the Minimum Income Guarantee Experts by Experience Panel was a full day on 15th October 2022 at The Studio in Glasgow (and with hybrid online provision for those who could not attend the venue, which four members made use of). Subsequent meetings took place over half days online. These took place on Saturday mornings.

The Panel was initially scheduled to meet six times through the course of 2022/23 and was extended to include three further Panel meetings in 2023/24, with the final meeting taking place on 20th April 2024. These three further Panel meetings became known as 'phase two' and a top up recruitment was undertaken before phase two commenced as several members left the process. After the top up recruitment process the Panel was comprised of a total of 35 members, the demographic profile at this point is also shown within Appendix 1.

Once members were recruited they were supported to attend through an onboarding process which:

  • ensured we understood the individual needs of panel members to be able to take part.
  • provided tech loans and zoom in Jamboard introductory sessions to upskill members.
  • gave members clear information on what to expect.
  • maintained a point of contact for any queries and outward communications.

Members were given a gift of thanks to compensate them for their time. This was paid by bank transfer or vouchers at a rate of £40 per half day session during phase 1. In phase 2 we took a gradually increasing approach to the gift of thanks and recognition of their ongoing commitment to participate in this long term panel giving a gift of £45 in panel meeting seven, £50 in panel meeting eight, and £55 in panel meeting nine.

When meeting in person for panel meeting one, travel expenses were paid and those who would have a longer journey to Glasgow were given overnight accommodation in a hotel. Participants were also able to access expenses for childcare or respite care if this was required.

Members were given access to independent welfare benefits advice throughout their time on the panel, they were able to access this by emailing the Involve team and they would then put them in touch with the adviser.



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