Private rented housing energy efficiency: consultation assessment (part one)

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of our consultation on efficiency and condition standards.

7. Legal Aid Impact Test

Local authorities will be able to issue a civil fine against owners who do not comply with the regulations, and can pursue this through the courts if the owner does not pay. Owners will also be able to ask for a review of local authority decisions to issue a penalty notice and will ultimately be able to appeal to the courts.

We have proposed that there should be a civil penalty of up to £1,500 for non-compliance. Most of the required improvements will cost less than this. We therefore think that this will encourage the majority of landlords to improve their property rather than risk a fine, which would minimise the likelihood of appeals to the courts by landlords.

We therefore do not think it is likely that there will be a significant impact on the legal aid fund from tenants or landlords.


Email: Denise Buchanan

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