
Minimum unit pricing of alcohol: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of responses to a consultation on the Scottish Government's plans to introduce minimum unit pricing for alcohol on 1 May 2018.

1. Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary to the analysis of the responses to the Scottish Government's consultation ( on the preferred minimum unit price of 50 pence per unit of alcohol. The reasons for introducing a minimum unit price of 50 pence are set out in the consultation document.

A total of 130 responses were received – 66 from organisations and 64 from individuals. Of the 130 responses, 70 (53.8%) commented on the Scottish Government's preferred minimum unit price of 50 pence. Of these 70, 48 were responses from organisations and 22 were from individuals.

  • 52 (74.3%) of the respondents who commented on the proposed price of 50 pence per unit were supportive of this price.
  • 12 (17.1%) of the respondents who commented on the proposed price of 50 pence per unit stated that the minimum unit price should be higher than 50 pence per unit.
  • Four (5.7%) of the respondents who commented on the proposed price of 50 pence per unit stated that the minimum unit price should be lower than 50 pence per unit.
  • Two (2.9%) commented on the price but were not explicit about whether or not they support the proposed price of 50 pence per unit.

Analysing the above, 64 (91.4%) of respondents who comment on the proposed price are either in favour of a 50 pence per unit price or a higher minimum unit price.

Of the 70 respondents who commented on the proposed price, 30 (42.9%) mentioned how the minimum unit price might be altered in the future. Of these 30, 21 (70.0%) wanted the proposed 50 pence minimum unit price to be reviewed after a period of time and then altered in relation to specific economic indices such as inflation. Conversely, nine of the 30 respondents (30.0%) stated that the proposed price of 50 pence per unit should remain for the full five year period.

The remainder of the responses did not comment on the proposed price specifically but instead provided comment on the principle of minimum unit pricing. The main themes emerging from these are provided within the report.


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