Infrastructure Investment Plan 2015: progress report for 2020 to 2021

Final annual progress report on the 2015 Infrastructure Investment Plan which outlines both key achievements over the course of 2020 to 2021 and key major infrastructure priorities delivered over the last five years as well as a sector by sector update on infrastructure projects.

Annex A: IIP 2015 – Project Pipeline Summary

The following table summarises the number of major projects that have been completed and delivered within the last five years as well as those currently in construction, which have featured in the IIP 2015's accompanying project pipelines. Figures are broken down by sector and by the total capital investment value, which includes construction contract costs and any other associated capital funded costs.

Sector Number of projects completed Value of projects completed (£m) Number of projects in construction Value of projects in construction (£m) Total number of projects Total value of projects
Transport 11 4,220.1 4 404.5 15 4,624.6
Health 19 1,071.9 4 311.1 23 1,383.0
Schools 93 1,955.0 0 0 93 1,955.0
Further Education 3 360.2 0 0 3 360.2
Justice 1 32.3 1 74.0 2 106.3
Culture 1 80.1 0 0 1 80.1
Grand Total 128 7,719.6 9 789.6 137 8,509.2



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