
Ministerial Oversight Group on Homelessness minutes: December 2023

Minutes from the Ministerial Oversight Group on Homelessness on 12 December 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • Paul McLennan, Chair (PM), Minister for Housing
  • Elena Whitham (EW), Minister for Drugs & Alcohol Policy
  • Natalie Don (ND), Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise
  • Joe Fitzpatrick (JF), Minister for Local Government and Planning
  • Siobhian Brown (SB), Minister for Victims and Community Safety
  • Patrick Harvie (PH), Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights
  • Graeme Dey (GD), Minister for Higher and Further Education, and Minister for Veterans
  • Hilary Third (HT), Head of self-harm policy and distress interventions (for Ms Todd) 
  • Fiona Hodgkiss (FH), Adult Social Care - Advice and Guidance (for Ms Todd)
  • Nick Bland (NB), Deputy Director, Equality and Inclusion (for Ms Roddick)
  • Janine Kellett (JK), Homelessness Unit
  • Alice Hall (AH) Deputy Director, Better Homes
  • Pamela McBride (PMB), Homelessness Unit
  • Olivia Sharkey (OS), Homelessness Unit


  • Jenni Minto, Minister for Public Health and Woman’s Health
  • Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport
  • Emma Roddick, Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees

Items and actions


Paul McLennan (PM) thanked the group for joining the meeting and ministers agreed to the minutes being published on the Ministerial Oversight Group on Homelessness webpage.  

PM asked the group to each take one action away from today’s meeting that they will progress within their portfolio. 

PM introduced Professor Glen Bramley (GB), professor of urban studies at Heriot Watt University and a lead author of the Hard Edges Scotland report, and Maggie Brunjes (MB), CEO Homeless Network Scotland. Maggie and Glen provided an overview of Hard Edges and No Wrong Door (NWD). 

Discussion with presenters

EW is aware that criminal justice social workers are often the ‘stickiest’ support available, and feels the prevention of homelessness duties and the test of change outlined by NWD is the large-scale framework that we need. Homelessness doesn’t just sit with housing and we need early interventions. These interventions need to consider trauma and adverse childhood experiences, and we must ensure we do not work in silos. The NWD test of change is articulated well and has the potential to transform services, and reduce costs. This work is also relevant to ND and Keeping the Promise to care-experienced young people. EW feels there is real potential here and is excited about what the group can achieve. 

NB asked if refugees have been part of Hard Edges or NWD. GB responded that Fair Way Scotland addresses this. The Home Office’s work to clear the asylum backlog contributing to pressures on the housing/homelessness system was also raised. It was noted that those with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) are especially vulnerable to rough sleeping. 

EW commented that she has already met with Cyrenians about the hospital in-reach programme but will be happy to meet with any of the test of change organisations if it would be beneficial. 

Ministerial discussion 

Siobhian Brown (SB) reflected on the four asks (housing, relationships, money and health and wellbeing) and questioned if hospital navigators are asking about these. SB commented that the questions could be relevant across the breadth of her portfolio as she is also responsible for VAWG and community safety. 

ND reflected on the impact on care leavers, as homelessness is a real concern. ND also addressed JF stating there would be benefit in collaborating to explore how Local Authorities as Corporate Parents can support care leavers to access and maintain secure tenancies.

HT recognised what Hard Edges said about mental health being ‘missing in action’ and working in ways that aren’t trauma-informed, but highlighted that progress has been made. Ms Todd will continue involvement with frontline services to identify workable solutions and will report back to the group in relation to this.

PH questioned if the prevention of homelessness duties will support people in the private rented sector (PRS). A paper will be sent to PH on the recommendations of the Prevention Review Group (PRG), which were published in February 2021.

FH highlighted that MT took an action at the last meeting on Getting It Right For Everyone (GIRFE), which covers people in prisons, addiction services, people registered at deep end GP practices, families with multiple and/or complex needs and young people in transition from GIRFEC to GIRFE, and older people and frailty. Consequently, the Homelessness team are exploring options to engage with the GIRFE pathfinders via the GIRFE Learning Network in the new year, to ensure that Homelessness is considered throughout the co-design work.

JF reflected that the Verity House Agreement should change how we’re working with Local Government. 

NB reflected on the pressures on those with NRPF and how ER continues to challenge UK Government on this. Secondly the scottish government is developing a refreshed New Scots refugee integration strategy, in partnership with COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council. Officials will reflect on how this relates to NWD. 

ND emphasised the cost of getting this wrong and the responsibility on everybody to consider preventative spend in light of the extreme financial difficulties. 

EW will also will look at the actions within the drugs death taskforce response in relation to homelessness and how we can work more collaboratively to push the preventative agenda. 

SB will consider how the commercial sexual exploitation framework ties in.

AOB and Close


  • Elena Whitham, MSP, Minister for Drugs & Alcohol Policy - look at the actions within the drugs death taskforce response to push the prevention agenda. 
  • Natalie Don, MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise - Explore how local authorities as corporate parents can support care leavers to access and maintain secure tenancies
  • Siobhian Brown, MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety – consider how the commercial sexual exploitation framework ties in to NWD
  • Patrick Harvie, MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights – consider how to strengthen tenants’ rights through the Housing Bill
  • Maree Todd, MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport – will look to test ways of removing barriers which can prevent people experiencing homelessness/severe and multiple disadvantage from accessing mental health assessment and treatment; continue to explore potential join-up between Homelessness work and Getting It Right For Everyone (GIRFE); and continue to consider and strengthen the interface between improvements in social care provision including NCS with homelessness and housing work to support those experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
  • Emma Roddick, MSP Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees – working with partners to develop the New Scots Delivery Plan, ensure that any identified actions that are designed to support frontline service providers align with the No Wrong Doors approach where appropriate
  • Graeme Dey, MSP, Minister for Higher and Further Education, and Minister for Veterans – to continue to engage with and support the efforts of veterans housing and homelessness stakeholders and encourage and promote positive perceptions of veterans
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