
Minoritised Ethnic Women's Experiences of Domestic Abuse and Barriers to Help-Seeking: A Summary of the Evidence

This report provides a summary of UK evidence on minoritised ethnic women’s experiences of domestic abuse, the barriers to help-seeking and reporting abuse, and the social and structural factors that influence women’s experiences.


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Relevant Scottish Government Publications

Women's Justice Leadership Panel - The Case for Gendered and Intersectional Approaches to Justice (Scottish Government, 2023a)

Equally Safe 2023 - preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls: strategy (Scottish Government, 2023b)

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: interim reporting requirement (2023c)

Ethnicity in the justice system: evidence review (2023d)

The Independent Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning

of Violence Against Women and Girls Services (Scottish Government, 2023e)

Tackling child poverty priority families overview (Scottish Government, 2023f)

The Vision for Justice in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2022a)

Using intersectionality in policymaking and analysis: summary findings (Scottish Government, 2022b)

What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women: A Summary of the Evidence (Scottish Government, 2020)

Bibliography/Further Reading

Chantler, K. and Thiara, R. (2017) We Are Still Here: Re-Centring the Quintessential Subject of Intersectionality, Atlantis, 38, pp 82-94.

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Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018

Harris, S., Joseph-Salisbury, R., Williams, P. and White, L. A Threat to Public Safety: Policing, Racism and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Institute of Race Relations, 2021.

McLaughlin, E., Wheate, R. & McGowan, M. (2018) A confident approach in responding to the needs of domestically abused South Asian women – Laying the foundations for Police Scotland 2026 Strategy. Scottish Institute for Policing Research.

Sajed, E. (2023) Sabr, Silence and Struggles: Extended Family Abuse in Muslim and BME Communities in Scotland. AMINA.

Sikh Women's Aid (2021) From Her, Kings are Born: Impact and prevalence of domestic and sexual violence in the Sikh/Panjabi Community Sikh Women's Aid.

Siddiqui, H and Bhardwaj, A. (2014) 'Pandora's Box': preventing violence against black and minority ethnic women and girls, in Ellis, J and Thiara, R (eds). Preventing Violence against Women and Girls: Educational work with children and young people. UK: Bristol University Press.

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