Miscarriage Care and Facilities in Scotland: Scoping Report NHS Borders

This report details the findings of a scoping exercise to better understand miscarriage care in Scotland within this Health Board. The individual Health Board reports and the national report seek to aid policy makers and Health Boards in making decisions about improvements to Miscarriage Care

Staff guidance, skills and training

Written clinical guidance

NHS Borders reported that they have written clinical guidance for clinical staff on the appropriate treatment and care for miscarriage at all gestations. There is strong agreement that all necessary staff that require access to this clinical guidance have access to it and it was agreed that this guidance is followed for women experiencing miscarriage (Table 22).

Table 22: Clinical guidance

Borders General Hospital

Is there written clinical guidance for clinical staff on the appropriate treatment and care for miscarriage at all gestations within this site?

Yes, at all gestations

All staff that need to have access to the clinical guidance on miscarriage care have access to it

Strongly agree

The clinical guidance on miscarriage care is followed by all staff that care for women experiencing miscarriage


The recommendations from the Lancet on skills and training for miscarriage care are shown in Table 23 below.

In NHS Borders there are staff with additional specialist training to deal with all baby losses including miscarriage and stillbirth at Borders General Hospital. Currently, there are no midwives/nurses with additional specialist training for recurrent miscarriage care with Borders General Hospital and there are no plans to implement this as the numbers of women who would require this service are so small they are currently managed through the pregnancy loss clinic. NHS Borders indicated that if a midwife/nurse showed an interest in training for recurrent miscarriage care it could be provided. Additional services listed in Table 23 below are provided at Borders General Hospital.

Table 23: Staff skills and training in NHS Borders

Borders General Hospital

There are staff with additional specialist training to deal with all baby losses from early pregnancy to stillbirth

Provided on site

There are midwives/nurses with additional specialist training to provide comprehensive miscarriage care

Provided on site

There are midwives/nurses with additional specialist training for recurrent miscarriage care

Not currently provided - no plans to implement routinely

Specialised medical staff are trained specifically for recurrent miscarriage care

Provided on site

Doctors are trained to provide comprehensive miscarriage care

Provided on site


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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