Miscarriage Care and Facilities in Scotland: Scoping Report NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

This report details the findings of a scoping exercise to better understand miscarriage care in Scotland within this Health Board. The individual Health Board reports and the national report seek to aid policy makers and Health Boards in making decisions about improvements to Miscarriage Care

Graded approach to recurrent miscarriage care

The Lancet series on Miscarriage Matters provided information on the provision of treatment and care after first, second and third or subsequent miscarriage. The Lancet series proposed a graded approach to the treatment of recurrent miscarriage, where after one miscarriage women would have their health needs evaluated and would be provided with information and guidance to support future pregnancies. If a second miscarriage were to occur, they would be offered an appointment at a miscarriage clinic for initial investigations, extra support and early reassurance scans for subsequent pregnancies. After three miscarriages they would be offered a full series of evidence-based investigations and care. RCOG guidelines state that the graded approach should be encouraged as it appears to bridge the gap between sporadic and recurrent miscarriage care, encouraging a systematic graded approach rather than a fragmented one. It also addresses the balance between the need for evidence-based and supportive care, while targeting healthcare resources effectively.

The following sections of this report are based on the Lancet series and will help to ascertain the extent to which the graded approach is currently being delivered in NHS Boards across Scotland.

It should be noted that at the time of completion of this questionnaire, RCOG defined recurrent miscarriage as the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies. RCOG guidelines on the treatment of recurrent miscarriage were updated in June 2023 and this definition now includes non-consecutive miscarriages[7].

In Scotland 12 of the 14 health Boards said a graded approach to the treatment of recurrent miscarriage is adopted on their site.

In NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, a graded approach to treatment of recurrent miscarriage care is provided at four sites, Vale of Leven District General Hospital reported that they do not provide a graded approach on site.

After first miscarriage

The Lancet series on Miscarriage Matters recommended the following services, listed in Table 18 below, should be available after a first miscarriage. Vaginal micronised progesterone in women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage is not offered in all 14 Health after a first miscarriage with some sites referring to the NICE Guidelines[8] that state this should be offered for women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage rather than a first miscarriage.

In NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, four sites responded that all of the information provision or services recommended in the Lancet series on miscarriage care that are provided on site after a first miscarriage and are provided regardless of the gestation when the loss occurred these are listed in Table 18 below.

After a first miscarriage all of the information provision or services asked about were provided on site at both Princess Royal Maternity Hospital and Inverclyde Royal Hospital. Royal Alexandra Hospital reported that they are currently awaiting agreed guidance on vaginal micronised progesterone in women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage so are unable to provide this while awaiting the guidance.

Royal Alexandra Hospital cited staff training and finance/cost as reasons for not currently providing referrals to necessary services for management and optimisation of chronic maternal medical conditions and development of an individualised care plan. Regarding information about physical health needs following pregnancy loss, screening for mental health issues and information to optimise health for future pregnancies, Royal Alexandra Hospital cited staff training, finance, cost and lack of equipment as reasons for not currently providing these but have stated that they would like resources to support this development. Royal Alexandra Hospital also attributed staff retention as a barrier to providing information about physical health needs following pregnancy loss, while Vale of Leven District General Hospital attributed staff training as a barrier to providing screening for mental health issues.

The availability of these provisions and services among the other sites varied; these are listed in Table 18 below.

Table 18: Service provision after first miscarriage in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) Inverclyde Royal Hospital Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus Vale of Leven District General Hospital Princess Royal Maternity Hospital
Information provided about miscarriage Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Vaginal micronised progesterone in women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage Not currently provided - plan to implement in the next 2 years Provided on site Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site
Information provided about physical health needs following pregnancy loss Not currently provided - plan to implement in the next 2 years Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Information provided about mental health needs following pregnancy loss Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Screening for mental health issues Other - Would like resources to support this development Provided on site Not currently provided - plan to implement in the next 2 years Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Provided on this site
Information provided to optimise health for future pregnancies e.g. smoking cessation, weight loss, folic acid intake etc. Other - Would like resources to support this development Provided on site Other - Women centred advice and support provided based on individual needs Provided on site Provided on site
Referral to necessary services for management and optimisation of chronic maternal medical conditions Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Other - Women centred advice and support provided based on individual needs Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Provided on site
Women are asked verbally if they have had a previous miscarriage Provided on this site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Development of an individualised care plan Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde signpost patients to the following services, however sites reported different approaches to this as outlined in Table 19.

Table 19: Service provision after first miscarriage in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) Inverclyde Royal Hospital Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus Vale of Leven District General Hospital Princess Royal Maternity Hospital
Patient Support Groups Always Only, if deemed appropriate Always Only, if deemed appropriate Always
Online self-help strategies for mental health Always Some of the time Some of the time Only, if deemed appropriate Only, if deemed appropriate
Weight management Never Some of the time Some of the time Only, if deemed appropriate Only, if deemed appropriate
Smoking and recreational drugs cessation services Never Some of the time Some of the time Only, if deemed appropriate Only, if deemed appropriate
Information on appropriate pre-conceptual folate and vitamin D supplementation Some of the time Most of the time Some of the time Always Always
Referral to necessary services for management/optimisation of chronic maternal medical conditions Never Only, if deemed appropriate Some of the time Only, if deemed appropriate Only, if deemed appropriate

After second miscarriage

The Lancet Series on Miscarriage Matters recommended the following services, listed in Table 20 below, should be available after a second miscarriage.

After a second miscarriage almost all of the information provision or services asked about were not provided at sites in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Table 20).

After a second miscarriage, all sites except Royal Alexandra Hospital have access to support and early pregnancy reassurance scans in subsequent pregnancies and would have discussions about lifestyle issues in relation to future pregnancies. Royal Alexandra Hospital stated a lack of space was a barrier to providing these services.

Royal Alexandra Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Queen Elizabeth University Hospital cited lack of space, staff retention, staff training and finance/cost as reasons for not providing appointments at a nurse-led or midwifery-led clinic. In addition, Royal Alexandra Hospital also cited staff recruitment and lack of equipment as additional reasons for lack of provision of these services. Regarding offering tests for full blood count and thyroid function, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Alexandra Hospital attributed finance/cost as barriers to providing these.

Table 20: Service provision after second miscarriage in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) Inverclyde Royal Hospital Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus Vale of Leven District General Hospital Princess Royal Maternity Hospital
Appointment at a nurse-led miscarriage clinic Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Age dependent (if over 38 years old)
Appointment at a midwifery-led miscarriage clinic Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Age dependent (if over 38 years old)- consultant led not midwifery
Continuity of care Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Small group of staff - patients likely to see same staff member(s)
Test for full blood count offered Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Not currently provided - no plans to implement
Tests for thyroid function offered Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site If attending a recurrent miscarriage clinic
Vaginal micronized progesterone offered to women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site
Discussion about lifestyle issues in relation to future pregnancies Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on this site
Referral to specialist care if required Provided on this site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on this site
Access to support and early pregnancy reassurance scan in subsequent pregnancies Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site If over 38 years old
Women are asked verbally if they have had a previous miscarriage Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site

After third or subsequent miscarriage

The Lancet series on Miscarriage Matters recommended the following services, listed in Table 21 below, should be available after a third or subsequent miscarriage.

After a third or subsequent miscarriage, all of the information provision or services asked about are provided at Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Princess Royal Maternity Hospital. Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Vale of Leven District General Hospital do not provide any of this provision on site, although they are able to access/refer within the health board area.

Royal Alexandra Hospital cited finance/cost as a reason for not providing appointments at a medical consultant led clinic or continuity of carer after a third miscarriage. Regarding appropriate screening and care for mental health issues, Royal Alexandra Hospital attributed staff training and cost/finance as barriers to providing these services on site. Vale of Leven District General Hospital attributed staff training as a barrier to providing appointments at a medical consultant led clinic, investigative pelvic ultrasound scans and appropriate care for mental health issues after a third or subsequent miscarriage. Availability of all services provided after a third or subsequent miscarriage are shown in Table 21 below.

Table 21: Service provision after third or subsequent miscarriage in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) Inverclyde Royal Hospital Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus Vale of Leven District General Hospital Princess Royal Maternity Hospital
Appointment at a medical consultant led clinic Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Provided on site Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Provided on site
Continuity of carer Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Pregnancy tissue from the third and any subsequent miscarriages will be sent for genetic testing Provided on site Provided on site Provided on this site Provided on this site Provided on site
Blood tests for antiphospholipid antibodies Provided on site Provided on site Provided on this site Provided on this site Provided on site
Investigative pelvic ultrasound scan arranged (ideally three dimensional – not a pregnancy scan) Provided on site Provided on site Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Provided on site
Parental karyotyping offered depending on the clinical history and results of the genetic analysis of pregnancy tissue from previous losses Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Vaginal micronized progesterone in women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage Not currently provided - plan to implement in next 2 years Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Appropriate screening for mental health issues Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Appropriate care for mental health issues Not currently provided - no plans to implement Provided on site Provided on site Can refer/access locally - not on this site (within HB area) Provided on site
Women are recognised as being at an increased risk of obstetric complications including pre-term birth Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Appropriate screening and care for future obstetric risks Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Care for mental health issues and future obstetric risk are incorporated into the care pathway for couple with a history or recurrent miscarriage Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Women are treated as at high risk during antenatal and intrapartum care Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site
Women are asked verbally if they have had a previous miscarriage Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site Provided on site


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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