Long term survey strategy: summary report and framework to support decision-making

Summarises the key findings from research exploring mixed mode survey designs in the context of the Scottish Government’s large-scale general population surveys.


The research that underpins this report combined qualitative interviews and workshops with survey stakeholders and experts with a desk-based review of evidence on mixed mode surveys. It comprised:

  • Interviews with 25 stakeholders from within and outwith the Scottish Government exploring priorities for the Scottish Government's surveys, views on their strengths and limitations, and initial thoughts on the potential implications of changing mode design
  • A desk-based review of key literature on mixed mode surveys
  • Interviews with 23 experts from outside Scotland (survey methodologists, commissioners, and those with a role in assessing survey quality)
  • A review of 21 key surveys from the UK and further afield identified as relevant based on topic or experience of mode transitions
  • A workshop with key stakeholders to share and gather reflections on the draft findings and framework.


Email: sscq@gov.scot

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