Mobile homes: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for the Mobile Homes pitch fee uprating provisions in the Housing (Scotland) Bill


1 Mobile Homes Act 1983 (

2 Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 (

3 Mobile Homes (Pitch Fees) Act 2023 (

4 Park (mobile) homes | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES

5 Number of residential mobile homes: Information released - (

6 SCOPHRA News Release - Numbers of Mobile Homes 

7 Gypsy/Traveller Sites in Scotland - (

8 Shortcomings of the Retail Prices Index as a measure of inflation - Office for National Statistics (

9 HM Treasury & UK Statistics Authority (November 2020) A Response to the Consultation on the Reform to Retail Prices Index (RPI) Methodology

10 The consultation responses along with a link to the published analysis of responses is on CitizenSpace Pitch fee uprating under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 - Proposal to change from Retail Price Index to Consumer Price Index. - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

11 Inflation and price indices - Office for National Statistics (

12 Gypsy/Traveller Sites in Scotland - (

13 This is a figure for England taken from UK Government research - Mobile homes: The impact of a change in the maximum park home sale commission - GOV.UK (

14 A breakdown of sites and pitch numbers by local authority was provided to MSPs by SCOPRA in August 2021. The total of the pitch numbers given is 4,288. This is approximately the midpoint between the two other figures available (as set out in the Background section) so has been used as the basis for the illustration.

15 CPIH tends to track CPI quite closely.

16 Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers - Council Rents (

17 The impact of a change in the maximum park home sale commission: executive summary - GOV.UK (



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