
Mobile homes pitch fees - annual uprating index: consultation

This consultation asks for views on changing the measure for uprating pitch fees for Scottish contracts under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 from Retail Prices Index to Consumer Prices Index, and on options for making the change in legislation.

Purpose of this consultation paper

1. The Scottish Government wants to ensure that the protections relating to pitch fee uprating for residents of residential mobile homes under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 as it applies in Scotland remain fair, appropriate and in line with development of statistical measures. This is of particular importance in light of recent increases in the cost of living.

2. The Scottish Government is seeking views to inform decisions on whether:

  • it would be more appropriate for the presumption for annual uprating of pitch fees to be set at Consumer Price index (CPI) rather than Retail Price Index (RPI) or CPI with housing costs (CPIH);
  • the change should apply to agreements that are made in future only or to existing and future agreements; and
  • it would be appropriate for Ministers to be able to update the index in future via secondary legislation, to keep pace with developments in statistics.



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