
Mobile homes pitch fees - annual uprating index: consultation

This consultation asks for views on changing the measure for uprating pitch fees for Scottish contracts under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 from Retail Prices Index to Consumer Prices Index, and on options for making the change in legislation.

Scope and extent of this consultation

3. This consultation relates to permanent homes with pitch agreements under the Mobile Homes Act 1983. This means agreements on caravan sites which are licenced under the Caravans Control Act 1960 for permanent homes. It also includes public sector Gypsy/Traveller sites. While public sector Gypsy/Traveller Sites do not require a licence, they are bound by the section of the Mobile Homes Act 1983 which relates to uprating. We recognise that public sector sites may be included in the process for local authority rent setting for housing. We are therefore seeking views on whether there are additional considerations for this type of accommodation.

4. Although the Mobile Homes Act 1983 is UK Parliament legislation, this consultation covers Scotland only. In 2018, following consultation, the Department of Communities and Local Government committed to changes to implied terms for agreements in England to change the pitch fee review inflationary index from RPI to CPI. The change is being implemented via a private members Bill which is currently in progress through the UK Parliament. In Wales, the basis of uprating was changed from RPI to CPI in 2015.



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